Thursday, November 17, 2022

Presence vs Presents

           Isn't it a bit like a kind of a negotiated peace?

Neithan, that rash fellow, brought up the question of what women really want.

Of course, there are a couple of arenas of interest.  He was dealing with the national/political.  Yeah, lots of us want a functioning national system.  Fair laws, justice, safety and free enterprise.

Of course, being myself, as I can't help being, I will stray into the personal.  Being a Boomer, I came of age at the end of what we like to think of as the normal world.  Therefore my beliefs and behavior would probably be considered traditonal.  The window dressing in my life was not very traditional, but the stones of the house are.

I don't think women are as swayed by physical appearance as men are.  You guys.... It sure doesn't hurt if a man is a babe or all lovely and hunky.  But, there needs to be more.  He needs to be what I call Respectable.  I mean a bit of a handful in a good way.  Not a pushover.  That could mean a dangerous man who is in submission to God and full of mercy.  It could mean that he is really good at something.  Something to look up to and admire.  He needs to be subtantial in some way.  A traditional woman is looking for that.  I mean, if she's an adult and knows what's what.  That sounds like dependable, which is a good word, but it sounds boring.  

This is pure opinion.  Mine. Now for the essential bit.

Women, in my understanding, want to be valued.  We don't want to be the boss.  That's a perversion.  It's anti-erotic.  We want to be important TO, not just important.  We want to be wanted.  To be desired.  

So, not gifts, presents, but presence.  We want you to be there in all senses of the word, wise, strong, respectable.  Please, so no sensitive new age men.  I bet I could beat one of them arm wrestling anyhow.

Get this, I am now looking for a song about love.  Can you imagine such a thing?  I amuse myself.

Part of being traditional, in my book, is not being very sentimental.  I wonder if that is even true?

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