Wednesday, August 31, 2022

All in All, Don't Fear the Reaper


Imagine that YOU are a wildflower with a tiny wildflower mind. YOUR idea of the grim reaper might well be a little girl with a penchant for picking flowers. I mean think about it... There YOU are, on the happiest, sunniest day of YOUR life, doing YOUR thing with YOUR dear flower friends, playing host to bees, swaying in the afternoon breeze, thinking about all the potential YOU have within YOU to reseed YOUR corner of the world, just abiding in YOUR prettiest, blossomiest moment in the meadow. Then wham!! YOUR concept of life is shattered.

YOU hear the giggly sound of laughter approaching, and the determined, rhythmic footfalls rushing toward YOU. YOU are planted, helpless, and there is no place to run to. YOU are fully grown, shining forth in all YOUR flowery splendor. YOU are a ripe target come into view, and it's all about to change, because YOU are known. Suddenly a shadow passes over YOU. Then YOU see the tiny, soft yet dreaded hand, the instrument of YOUR demise, reaching for YOUR stem. Snap!! 

In an instant YOUR connection to the world YOU'VE known and held dear is severed. YOU are being transported above YOUR friends, who are left grieving over the loss of one of their own, yet secretly relieved at having escaped the greatest of wildflower horrors. YOUR attention begins to turn outward. The sun is still there, the bees, the breeze, and YOU see YOUR beauty frozen and reflected in a little girl's bright, discerning eyes. YOU are being worshiped with a smile because YOU have achieved the pinnacle of perfection in the eyes of love, which saw an aspect in YOU that YOU heretofore had not known.

Lifted ever higher, YOU see far beyond YOUR limited field, and realize the horizon is not a sudden edge dropping off into nothingness. YOU get an inkling that life is more than YOURSELF growing from seed, making seed, and returning again to YOUR native soil as seed. Life is more about being perfect for the purpose of nurturing seed everywhere, because life is love... YOUR beauty, YOUR fragrance, and YOUR heavenly energy enlivening the soul of a little girl, and thus everyone she knows and will know... YOUR every petal and leaf scattered over the ground, providing earthly nutriment for future flowers, whereby YOU inhabit new seed.

The reaper wasn't a hateful thief after all. The reaper was love helping you along. And death wasn't really death, but the transmigration of YOUR existence... YOUR essence released and being expressed in unfolding forms. 

Life is not about what YOU think YOU are. Rather, life is about what YOU really are. And that's all in all good, love reflected in love, being shared and passed along. There's nothing in love to fear, because YOU'RE just living on!!


-LoneStar Neanderthal

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