Wednesday, October 19, 2022

We Come To The Day Of The Week When Opinion Counts Even More Than Usual

             Ask Birdy                                               

 As of yesterday, several questions have been posited for our perusal.  Some serious...some facetious.  But this is us after all.

  1. Fifi asks how much character counts in the blood sport of politics  today.  Would we accept a flawed person if they got the job done?
  2. MM wonders, at this late date, why is there air?
  3. Neithan, asks what is the difference between POP and IMAP in email.  Good grief.  I never could figure that one out either.
  4. Did I miss anyone?  
  5. My question as always:

  6. Professor Farnsworth wonders what is the actual deal with all those women wearing yoga pants when they really ought to check it out in a mirror from behind and front actually.  Who loves ya baby, but keep it at home?
  7. Why is there Do Wop?  Why do I love it so much?


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