Monday, October 10, 2022

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is***Or What Tacky Means

Or do they even care?

Many moons ago there was a young man from Texas courting my eldest daughter.  He was an educated fellow, half native of some kind, and a geneticist.  He was an early developer of these DNA tests everyone loves.
Since I figured he would understand why I asked, and half as a joke, I asked him if there was any word in Mexican Spanish for "tacky".  Turns out there is, I just checked.  Its "pegajoso".  He just looked amused and sort of nodded.  

All of this hoohaw about Jill Biden and her unfortunate floral choices in dress fabric brings the subject to mind again.  

This also brings up another slippery subject.  Subjectivity.  Do we hate Jill's dresses because she is tarred with the brush of her husband's woeful performance as a "president"?
Is it partly her hubris and apparently tone deafness that makes her appear so tacky?  Maybe its the 1990s girlish attire and messy hair in combo with the smarmy acceptance of the perks of power.

As they say about pornography, we know it when we see it.  But, its darn hard to define in such a way that there is no question what we are talking about.

The opposite of tacky, good taste, is also damn hard to define.  Is it just our old friend consensus?  How can we agree about such subjective matters?

Perhaps Mrs. Biden, looking at me and my purposefully chosen simple custom cut cottons and German sandals, would say I was tacky, and there I thought I had very authentic and solid good taste.

 So, UM, tell me what you think?  

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