Saturday, October 15, 2022

Computer Was Mean This Morning, But It Feels All Better Now

Must carry on however, if I can gather my thoughts again.


I was thinking on the freeway of all things as a metaphor for lives as we live them.  This came about because one of the things I am always thinking is that People Should Leave Each Other The Heck Alone...

I mean obviously not all the normal nice interaction we have with family and friends and in the normal course of events.

I know its a simple sounding solution, but really, if we lived like most people do driving down the freeway we would be better off.   On the freeway nobody wants to run into anyone else, more or less, depending.  (my universal caveat)  On the freeway, or the highway, or the tiny dirt road you are in your car going about your business.

Just think, crime would be obliterated....

And no one would dress like this or jump on the furniture.

By the way, this is one of those Saturdays when I have to get on the freeway.  Just helping my Seattle kid as usual.

Morning greeting and blessings as usual nice people.

Thank you for coming by to chat.

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