Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Rings Of Good Sense, Good Taste, and Like, Wisdom, Man!

 The occasion of watching a cheesy Australian tv show last night got me thinking in this direction.  It had some of the weaknesses that we noticed in the newish Blade Runner follow-up.

Both have terrible writing.  You keep thinking why did he say that?  Motivation seemed erratic and arbitrary.  In Darby and Joan, we only watched two episodes, the Joan character's affect towards the man Darby was pointlessly hostile.  Maybe that passes for perky in the writer's mind. You know, powerful, ie, bitchy, women. Yawn.

I hear similar terrible things about the new Lord of The Rings, spin off.  What is wrong?  Have people lost the ability to write effective fiction?  Have people lost the thread entirely?  Why can't they portray an effective, believable story?

While I'm thinking about it, there was a rather good series from the BBC called The Last Detective.  Quite pleasing and well done.  Also, I actually cared about the characters!  Episode 4 was almost Shakespearean. 

But back to good sense, good taste and wisdom.  I was asking the universe how one acquires such things.  It seemed that the universe said well p, its like this.  None of these things can be imparted by just being told about them.  No little self-help course, or magazine article is going to graft good taste, wisdom or common sense onto a person.

Well then, time?  Will time do it?  Time will help.  It gives a chance to observe and learn from life.

The young need to see good decisions made around them all the time by their elders.  This way, if there is some discussion also, they might learn to judge a situation.  This is true even of slippery, subjective matters such as good taste in clothing, art, music, literature and comportment.  You like that?  "Comportment" lol. 

The mind of the "student" is also pivotal, IMO.  Must be willing to learn. Must be an observer of life.  This might be the most important thing in life altogether.

God grant that we geezers so full of good sense, good taste and much wisdom also have minds eager to learn.  

What do you think? 

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