Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Letting My Opinions Out For Some Off Leash Time

Tzimtzum - Self-Limitation

Creating Space

In the creation myth of ancient Judaic mysticism, God creates the universe by a process dubbed tzimtzum, which in Hebrew means a sort of stepping back to allow for there to be an Other, an Else, as in something or someone else. The Judaic notion of a world of Free Will (Talmud Berachot 33b) is deeply rooted in this concept, in the understanding that in creating life, the Eyn-Sof, or the Endless One, subdued the omnipotent, all-embracing Divine Presence for the sake of the realization of the Divine Will that there be other beings (Etz Chaim 1:1:2.) Our world, then is the sacred space that the Great Spirit gave as a gift to us, a space in which to be as human as divinely possible, and as divine as humanly possible. A space to err, to fall, to believe, to doubt, to cry, to laugh. Our space, created by the simple motion of stepping back, the humble act of honoring the separate reality of an Other.

Ok, this is where my thoughts come into it.
I was thinking about what makes us like our Creator.  I think it must be the ability to choose, among other things.  Free will. Free will is the great and terrible gift he gave us as human beings.  In a way, it's a heck of a compliment.
I was thinking in terms of this tzimtzum, that maybe that is why we are not in constant communion with the Almighty.  He gives us space and leaves us a little lonely, makes us exercise some faith, some sticking power.  If we are to choose and to be like our Maker, we have to stand up and make that choice to be like him.  So, unlike the creatures, we must choose to love him.
I was wondering if perhaps the many creatures we share the earth with don't have much choice...but perhaps they are in a sort of constant state of connection to God?  I don't know. Just something I am wondering about.  They are not like us.  If they kill, it's because they have to, or maybe there are some bad animals...but then we live in a fallen creation so maybe their beings are damaged also.  The lower orders of animals don't seem to have much choice at all.  A snail can only be a snail, etc.

On the other hand, say, a dog is in a similar position to a man as a man is to God. But, maybe they are not as lonely as we are? Maybe a dog senses God most of the time.  They seem kind of like that.

So.  Every day I must lay aside the temptation to fear, bitterness, fury, intemperance or whatever.  I must choose to live as an echo of the Almighty God.  I must choose every day, every hour and even every minute.  Sometimes I can coast on that love, but I have to choose it.

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