Friday, January 20, 2023

Secret, Don't Tell

 A Book Report Of Sorts

Sometime deep into the 1970s I ran into Carla Emery's Encyclopedia of Country Living.  It fit right in with what everyone was trying to do back then.  We were trying to more or less, become as independent as possible.  Gardening was such a thing.  Keeping animals, and just generally trying to relearn everything our parent's generation had left behind them.  Her book is quite a tome.  You can still get it.  It may be on its 10th edition now.

I had a very early one, but not the first handmade edition.  She took subscriptions for the book and then actually, laboriously and determinedly, put it together from home printed pages.  She was late, life made it late, but she finally sent out the finished copies.  That was Carla.  She is gone now, but her books go on.  But, this report is not really about that book.  I just wanted to give a thumbnail sketch of who she was. Her ranch, with her Mormon husband, and her kids, was in Idaho.  She was not a Mormon.

Here is a user review I collected from Google Books:                                                 I got Carla Emory's book as a wedding present in 1977. Someday I will get it rebound, as the binding is split and its multi-colored pages are tied together with string. As a young wife in the wilds of British Columbia, with great ambitions of doing everything the "old-time way", this book was my constant guide. Every topic imaginable was covered, with clear instructions, written with such practical sense and warm humor. I would often just sit and read the book, chuckling over Carla's anecdotes, frank admissions of discouragement, and courageous triumphs. This is an indispensable book for anyone who is determined to be more self-sufficient. I am glad to see this published in a new volume, and renamed as an encyclopedia, which it really is.

When I got my own book, it seemed that my sister had overpaid by less than a dollar. I received a letter from Carla Emory, asking how I wanted to be reimbursed. I told her to "keep the change", and have kept that note in the book ever since.

This report is actually about Carla's second book, SECRET,DON'T TELL, The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism

Turns out that there is a source for it, from the publisher, her surviving husband. But no one else has it.  No publisher would touch it.  So they formed their own publishing company and did it themselves.   Acorn Hill Publishing

A note from Carla:

This Book Is For You

Thank you for choosing to spend time with this book. I send my love and all I've learned. May every sleeper hear this call to wake and tear the wall of silence down!

Yes, you! It is not just hypnotic subjects who sleep. Ignorance and apathy have lulled so many into somnolence. So this book is for general readers who want to be well informed. Knowing real facts abut hypnosis will help you make wiser choices. It is also for those courageous individuals who are trained in hypnosis and who believe truth and justice are more important than professional solidarity, lobbying postures, income protection - even personal safety. And it is for legal specialists who may some day use this information in court to fight for justice.

Especially, this book is for all survivors of abusive hypnosis: past, present, and future. May every sleeper who yearns to wake and struggle toward freedom of mind find the courage to seek help in that waking and the blessing of achieving it.

There is a whole big website that goes into her research etc etc. Lots about the culprits.


(Oh, here is the whole book online, researched by LoneStar Neanderthal.)


One night in 1989 I dreamed I reached out and grabbed a hair from the tail of a running, disappearing donkey as it melted back into a tangled, dense, dark, convoluted forest. I managed to grab only one hair of the tail before it was gone. As in that dream, again and again, I have captured another single strand of this long, complex, and tragic tale, the history and technology of unethical hypnosis. Working with each single hair, I have struggled to create the form and essence of the original donkey.

It is hard to explain a subject so complicated, unfamiliar, and controversial. I wrote this book out of a fierce desire to restore and defend true facts about mind-control technologies. This is the only book, or even article, in this field ever written by a subject. Up to now, only hypnotists, psychologists, psychiatrists, journalists, and historians wrote of these things – with rare quotes from clients, patients, or subjects. There is a big difference between how they view this data and how a subject does.

By quoting from many sources (often rare and difficult-to-find), I have tried to provide in this book an honest print dialogue on the previously stifled topic of mind-control technologies. Here, the good-guy hypnotists are heard warning of potential misuses of hypnosis. The mind-controllers talk to one another in assumed privacy, as in CIA memos. And voices of the mind-controlled cry out – wounded, confused, angry, pleading for help.
Please do check out the table of contents.  It is Exhaustive!  

So what is so interesting about this subject?  Well, I was a child in the 50s. It was a time when people pretty much trusted doctors and authorities.  At least my very young parents did.  There are some odd tags of memory that just barely tint my conscious mind.  I have questions that will never be answered.  Only God knows.

In addition, here is an older video on mind control, by various methods.  

Along with Carla, and others, I find it outrageous what has been done to people.  Our minds have been tampered with from many directions.  One wishes to be free.  Indeed one wishes to be free of alien thoughts, commercial compulsions, the evil infusions of shadowy powers, both human and not. 
I, for one, implore the Almighty Father to clear out the rubble that lies between us! And I ask in the Name of His Ineffable Son.

BTW, Carla died in 2005 of complications of pneumonia while on tour they say.  I was always a little suspicious.  Not sure why.  Just a feeling.

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