Monday, January 23, 2023

Just A Thought About Something I haven't Heard Mentioned


Since I started watching world affairs sometime in the 70s, I have been aware, of course, that a world leader would arise and appear to solve all mankind's problems, before the final solving of all prophetic puzzles and the return of the Creator's Anointed Messiah.  I wondered how we would know him.  
   I also knew that the earth's problems were financial to a large extent.  The US owes more than it will ever be able to pay off.  So do other countries.  
   In addition, there are crazy disabling poverty and lunatic wealth existing at the same time and on the same planet.  None of it makes a lot of sense.
   I always figured that when some colossal world leader showed up who fixed all of that, I would know him as the anti-Christ, so to speak.  Trump worried me a bit at first.  He was too good, too slick.  But then, the invisible cabal cut him off also.  So he was just a guy who actually tried to do a good job as president!

The Dis-Peopling of the Planet?

Lately I have been just trying to understand why the unholy powers want to kill us.  They obviously do, but why?  From their point of view what kind of sense does it make?
   Is it because they just enjoy it in a "Bwahahahah!" kind of way.  They's just evil?
   Is it a massive sacrifice to the "god" of this world?  Could be.....very well could be.  They are that rotten...stinky bad people.
   Is it purely irrational?  If you have ever read C.S. Lewis' That Hideous Strength, you would have seen an irrational desire to destroy portrayed.  He also showed a kind of pointless ugliness that is characteristic of evil.  Maybe it's like that.

Or..could this depopulation plan have something to do with a way to solve the whole earth debt problem, to restructure everything.  Could it be a way to get rid of all us trouble-making people living our own lives as we wish, more or less?  A way to finally have power over all of the remaining elites and a few necessary worker serfs of the compliant variety?
   It's a crazy idea.  But, they seem to be crazy people.  I mean really, more worker bees means more tax money, right?  Why give up all that tax money.
   They seem to believe that the planet and the people are theirs to use as they see fit.  They will lie like crazy to get people to believe that all of this stuff is for the benefit of the common man.

You'll have to tell me if this makes sense to you readers.  It made more sense to me before I tried to write it down.  Perhaps I will clarify it in my mind over night.

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