Monday, September 26, 2022

How Am I Even Alive?

 * Today's post courtesy of nanasbananas. *


When I think about it, I shouldn’t be here. Alive, I mean. So many times I somehow survived my foolishness and carelessness, so here I am. 

As a Believer in God, I believe that He protects and takes care of us. Some are kept safe in the here and now, some are actually safe in the next life. Sometimes it’s as simple as your schedule being messed up and you grumble and complain only to discover that a little further on there was an accident that you ‘missed’. But have you ever had something so amazing happen to you that you were left wondering “what on earth! How am I even alive!”? God does things like that and it sure gets our attention. Something like that happened to my husband when he was a young fellow. He never forgot it, never stopped telling the story. 

In our ‘neck of the woods’, there’s an older road parallel to the freeway that connects two of our towns. It’s pretty lousy, always needing a lot of repair, and I’ve heard there’s a small fault line on part of it sometimes causing the road to crack and sink. Everyone knew that, yet everyone drove too fast anyway, sure they had it under control. Practice makes perfect? 

Heading home from the “big city” to town once, my husband was tooling along, too fast of course, when all of a sudden he saw a huge tree ahead. Right in the middle of the road! He could even see the roots, the cracks. You can bet he never used those brakes as fast as he did that time! Thing is, when he got out of the car and walked up to look - there was no tree! There was, however, a larger than usual crack and sinking in the very spot he ‘saw’ the tree. If he’d hit that at the speed he was going…..!? 

Sometimes maybe God likes to “shock” us, to wake us up, make us pay attention. I don’t know why he survived that evening, but I reckon someday there will be an answer. (Patience, nanasbananas, patience). 


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