Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Law Enforcement Story

* Today's post courtesy of pointman_12 *


Most of you know or might have figured out what I do for a living...in my current position, I no longer do the “fun” things that job sometimes requires...when I was a fairly new officer I got sent to a call where an infant was having difficulties breathing...when I got there, I saw the med unit peeps working really hard on her...her as in a 13 month old infant...I noticed she was naked and had severe bruises to her private area...I went inside and “dad” (come to find out later, the mom’s boyfriend) showed me where the baby “fell” and hit it’s head...he took me to the infants room where I saw a crib approximately 1 foot above the floor...the first thing I noticed were big pillows on one side and big thick blanket on the other...so I start thinking how the hell is a 13 month old in the back of an ambulance with a “head” injury if she fell out of this crib with all the soft stuff to land on...so I called my Lt and he came to the location and said it didn’t make sense to him either so he called the juvenile investigator...I went back to work after finishing my report...meanwhile, juvenile guy was interviewing people and was able to obtain enough probable cause to arrest boyfriend...I got to go to the hospital where the mother and boyfriend were with the infant...it’s the only time I ever prayed someone would resist because I wanted to hurt that man...God didn’t grant me that wish which is probably a good thing...he went to jail peacefully...over the weeks we got news from the hospital that there appeared to be old injuries that had healed, who knows how long one or both had been abusing this little girl...they couldn’t prove the sexual assault but you know he was doing that too...the day he called, we found out he had shook her and that’s what caused her head injury...that little girl died at least once in the ambulance on the way to the hospital...but they were able to bring her back...not to brag on myself, I wasn’t the greatest officer on the planet but I like to think I was a pretty good officer...being an officer is really not that hard...you need common sense and a little street sense...all you need...things didn’t look right which made me question the initial story...common sense...last I heard, that little girl grew up and doesn’t remember anything that happened that day...I never saw her again but I hoped she would be OK...him, I saw at trial almost 2 years later...he got 36 years...that was close to 30 years ago now and he’s probably out, probably been out knowing our wonderful criminal justice system...I hope he was Bubba’s girlfriend for his stay...maybe that’s why my wish wasn’t granted...


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