Thursday, June 6, 2024

My Really True UFO Story

A little like this, but it was going underwater.

            It was sometime in the first few years of the 1990s. We were living on the Tulalip Reservation at that time and had been since around 1980. We had moved from the Ballard section of Seattle, and this was another world. We lived two blocks from a salt water bay, and we were surrounded by towering Douglas Firs. It was Indian country!
            We knew a few people out there already because some of my husband’s coworkers lived on the bay. So naturally I spent some time with their families. But the person I am going to mention was not related to them.  She was an Indian lady in her late fifties whose house was kind of a hub that a lot of the women spent time visiting.  Her house was always open, and we all were in and out of it all the time.  She served terrible weak coffee and whatever goodies she had at the time. We drank her terrible coffee and smoked cigarettes with her. She was divorced and lived alone. Her nickname was Win, for Winifred. She was from Poplar MT. Her tribe was Assiniboine, pretty much the same people as the Sioux. She was retired from the BIA, where she used to write grants for the various local tribes.
            Win’s health was not great. She often wanted to be driven to town to run errands. And besides, she liked company. Often if I needed to go to the local small town, about ten miles away, she would come along. Many times, we would stop for a piece of pie and coffee before driving home.  This often happened in the wee hours because it was fun to do our shopping at 2AM. Things are just different during those early hours.
            It was on one of these return trips after shopping that I am going to describe. It was very late. It was dark. I was driving that big Chevy van we had at the time.
            We had just gotten onto the road, Marine Drive, which is the only road through the Res., and we were passing a body of water on our left.
            I looked over onto the water and I saw something with a row of lights as if it were a bus or something with lights on inside it going down into the water at an angle. We both saw it. The shape of the vehicle, or whatever it was, was not very distinct except for the lights. It was not a boat. It was not a plane. The fact of the matter is that it had to be a UFO of some kind. It was hard to accept, but we both saw it.
            I checked to make sure that no boats had gone down that night.  It sure didn’t look like a boat in any case. What in the world could it be, but what it seemed to be?
            That was something like thirty years ago. The memory is indistinct. It’s hard to hang onto. It wants to fade away, and yet it happened. I saw one real UFO in my life.
            In the following years I have learned some things about other UFOs. One thing I learned is that they seem to travel underwater sometimes.  I feel silly in a way even writing about it, but it happened. It just did and I have to deal with that.
            Win and I didn’t hide it from anyone.  We told people. Everyone believed us, but what can a person say about such an experience described by a friend or family member. They just have to think you are a little strange and seeing things, or that it happened. It happened; I assure you.
            I have learned in later years that many UFOs are things made by Lockheed or some such. So, I am inclined to believe that this object was one of “ours”, but of course I don’t know that.
            Maybe sometime around thirty years ago I caught sight of one of our off planet visitors slipping into the salty waters off of the Tulalip Reservation!

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