Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Funny Business


CSNY, the Dead, and the Airplane


         Did you ever think much about your given name?

          I always wonder how much influence the name they give you at birth has on your personality and life. It probably does affect how others perceive you. Does a girl who knows that her name is Harriet, for example, fulfill what she believes a Harriet would do?  Or does she defy it?

          Or, to turn it around and look at the other side a little, are parents given some germ of knowledge about a newborn, so that the given name carries a bit of prophecy with it? I had no idea about a name until I saw the babe.  Then, names suggested themselves.

          As soon as I started thinking about such things, I just could not relate to my first name at all. It was so frilly. What in the world were they thinking? I tried to imagine a better name for me. At one point, as a child, I though Nadine would be better. What? That’s just as bad. Sometimes I went by my middle name.  Plain Ann.  No e even. In college, I insisted on being called by my last name.

          It’s hard to come up with a name for yourself, if you’ve ever tried it.

          I was just wondering today if any of you had gone through that sort of thing, wanting a better fitting first name?

          While I was still half asleep today, I was thinking maybe Lola would do! Maybe not!

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