Sunday, June 23, 2024

An Indian Tail


An Indian Tail

We’re All Natives Here


Princess*Naps*With*Cats is sleeping peacefully, dreaming, in the arms of her fuzzy blanket. The house is silent, except for the refrigerator humming.

Suzy*Swats*Bubbles jumped cautiously up onto the bed. Himself, Willie, was already there, importantly sleeping on PNWC’s pillow. Suzy took second place, nearest the window.

“Willie, somebody said something about chips.  They said we have chips under our skin,” frets SSB. “I heard a guy on the computer say that. I wonder who put chips in us?”

“I’m asleep, Suzy.  See me?” said W.

“No, you’re not!  You answered me!” said she.

“Of course we have chips, we’re rescues. We’re processed cats,” said he. “That’s not all they did to us either!”

“But, Willie, what are they for and where is it? I’ve looked and licked and scratched and I still can’t find it!”

“I’m pretty sure they put it up on your back or neck somewhere where you can’t scratch it out,” said Willie. “They said it’s so if we get lost and someone finds us, the chip will tell who we belong to.”

“I don’t like it Willie!  It feels creepy! Like I got a ride on an Alien space vessel, and they chipped me, in case they want me back for another saucer ride!” Suzy hunched down as low as she could go.  Her eyes were huge and dark! Her breathing was a little ragged.

Willie picked his head up and just looked at her.

“What does it look like, the chip? Is it like a big flea? Can I bite it to death?” wondered Suzy. “I would like to bite it to death!”

“That’s kinda how you look at the world, isn’t is Suzo? A real bite/no bite situation,” agreed Willie. “Ones and Zeroes all the way down.”

“Some things need to be bitten, good and hard,” hums Suzo*Who*Swats. “Remember that last rat?  I do!” She smiled to herself then.

“Hey, Willie, I wonder if She has a chip? I wonder if they control her? What if She is not She?  Oh Willie! What ever will we do?” Suzy’s eyes were like saucers! “What if she is dangerous?”

“That pussycat? You’re nuts Suze. But I tell ya what.  I’ll sniff her all around her neck and shoulders and if she has a chip I will find it! OK? Then maybe we could sort of carefully scratch it……”

The P*N*W*C opens her eyes suddenly, realizing that she has been having one of those Fuzzy Blanket dreams. She sees that she is at home, it is afternoon, and both cats are sleeping peacefully.  Willie is crowding her off of her pillow and Suzy is asleep curled up by her feet. All is well.

She laughs.  Then she heads out to her desk.

The End!

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