Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Maeve Considers Currency


{Maeve, Herself}

Gnockgnockgnock!  Gnurrrr!

Listen up, you Otters, Bunnies, Deer, and Snakes and all.  I exclude fish. Fish do not come into the picture.

I want to clue you in about Mankind and Currency, which is different from Money.  Money is intangible, a number in the cloud somewhere.  Ah, but Currency!  This we may deal with. (PS Mankind comes in two sexes. Do I have to say this?)

Both Money and Currency are neutral tools, like this rock here that I may drop on a clam…   Oh, ok, if clams thought at all, which they do not, it might not agree about the neutrality of this rock!  But we have greater matters in mind!

From his birth Man wants.  He wants the breast.  When he can control his hands, he reaches.  He reaches and never stops reaching.  About the time he starts to go to school he discovers Currency.  Bits of paper and metal that he can exchange for various desirables, both food and toys. These are known as Mediums of Exchange.  Naturally.

Perhaps you yourselves have exchanged a bit of something for something else.  We Black Birds do this.  Say a child has done us a favor and we really liked that favor because it was so tasty, why we will find a pretty thing, just anything nice, and bring it to this child!  It often works.  Though they can be slow about figuring out the exchange desired.  The bit of shiny stuff I bring to the child is Currency.  Its value is Money.  Of course, it’s not very valuable, but the concept is there.

I know a sort of Hen of Mankind, who wanted to read and record some very serious pages about the spirituality of how Money is used, but I managed to distract this Hen with the attraction of Story.  Story is deadly attractive to her.  Lucky for you all!

The great trial and lesson that Mankind must learn is to use his tools, but not to love them.  Love goes to the Creator Spirit and other dwellers on the earth, not this tool.  This is such a good tool.  It can fulfill spiritual functions of Mercy and Care.  It can facilitate great building and much usefulness.

But, I hazard, and I believe I am correct, that when Money is the love of life, that incorrect affection devours all other Loves, eventually.  The eagerness to achieve and earn is not what I am on about.  That is neutral and can be very useful.  As always, the Heart is the Heart of the Matter.

The reason for this little meeting?  We Beasts deal only with the Heart, and we would understand our Betters, if we can.  We do not have the temptation to amass Value.  That is their Bane.


You may be excused now!

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