Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Truth And Veracity League

 Did any of you ever read the old Mother Earth News in the way back times?  Well, I did, faithfully.  It was full of useful information and a lot of left wing agricultural attitude.

But, on about the last page they ran a purportedly old timey humor story each month.

Here I include a sample for you.

It has occurred to me that this sort of thing could be considered a type of proto-blogging.  Mebbe. The urge to post up with a bunch of like-minded citizens and spin some yarn, is there, even though that was just a simulacrum of such.

On the subject of proto-blogging, yes I am guilty.  I guess the urge to connect must come packaged with some types.  I managed to get some of my poems published in magazines.  That doesn't happen every day. There were other attempts to communicate in a general way with the world.

The internet, access to the world, if you can pull it off, appealed greatly to a fool such as I. I say fool because it's mostly an illusion, but it sure can be fun!

None of you would be reading this if you didn't share some of that impulse!  I mean, here you are!  Communicating electronically!  Neat trick!

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