Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Philosophizing Without A Permit


    A little idea came calling a couple of days ago. I wonder if you will agree.

    It occurred to me that when the enemy of our souls shoots his fiery darts at us, that they must be aimed at a target area. I’m sure he tries with the innocent also, but maybe not so effectively?
    Maybe if I wasn’t covered with these target areas, he would have nothing to shoot at? What if I could give him the slip, more or less? Would that work in this bifurcated world? I think it's a principle that is useful, though he will keep trying.
    It seems to me that the two major areas that our enemy prefers to torment us with are Fear and Pride. If I drew up an outline, there would be many items cascading under those two headings.     I actually believe that fear and pride are two sides of the same coin. But I wonder which is stronger.
    Upon a bit more considering, I think pride is stronger than fear. It's pride that causes us to hang onto our fears.  It's also pride that causes us to not be willing to accept help in the form of that calling that LoneStar was talking about.
   What if I could drop all of those target areas? What if I changed my mind?
    What if every time a thought of, say, rejection from someone, came to me I laughed a little and dropped it? What if I didn’t care how I compare to others in this life?
    What if all I cared about was following directions? Jesus/Yeshua said to love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself. Simple. Clean. No funny business.

    Holiness means to be set apart from the world. Now, why did I say that? Because If I am not playing the enemy's game, not accepting those darts because they are not "mine" I can begin to be set apart. I can have a different mind that is Godly.
Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. And as for you, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Deut. 6:4-5 

This is what Jesus was referencing. 

That means everybody, not just literal Israel.

My goal, as always, is to incite comment.  

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