Monday, November 13, 2023

Twin Telepathy


"Nonlocality is au courant with modern physics. Schrödinger talked about nonlocality and entanglement in the 1920s, but it really wasn't until 1970 that Freedman and Clauser at Berkeley discovered that photons born together, like identical twins, can move off into the distance from one another and you grab one twin and you change the polarization of the other, even though they're very, very far apart. And the lingo, describing this in modern physics, as we would say, they're entangled with one another."  —Russell Targ, American physicist and parapsychologist



Today, while our beloved pbird is out enjoying the beautiful Oregon coast and surrounds with her daughter, and also working behind the scenes on an epic travelogue production of her vacation adventures [heh!], I thought we might dip our toes into the waters of psychic phenomena and quantum physics and take a look at the mystery of twin and sibling telepathy, — telepathy being mind to mind communication over distance without speech or other human sensory or mechanical means. Fascinating stuff!

Now, while some may say this is supernatural nonsense and call it pseudoscience or mere coincidence, I submit that it is directly related to the bizarre and counterintuitive phenomena of entanglement and nonlocality, concepts in quantum physics, which attempt to explain how two subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other, even if separated by billions of light-years of space. Basically, the theory posits that despite their vast separation, the two particles are dependent upon each other's quantum states and lose their individuality and act like a single entity, so that a change induced in one of the particles will affect the other. You may read more about the subject here in this short and easy to follow article: (The Physics of the Universe, Difficult Topics Made Understandable > Nonlocality and Entanglement)

Similarly, there's something to be said about the likelihood of a mother's offspring, conceived and nurtured in the same womb, sharing a psychic connection. Though my sister and I aren't twins, I can vouch for having had several telepathic experiences with her over the years in which we each anticipated making contact with the other at the same time by phone or in person, or a few times when we shared the same dream on the same night, or when we occasionally had spontaneous feelings of distress or pain identical to what the other was experiencing. The psychic connection between us was much stronger in our earlier years, but as we matured and went our separate ways in life, the bond seems to have weakened quite a bit.

The telepathic connection between identical twins appears to be lifelong and extremely strong however, since they originate from the splitting of the same fertilized egg, and the psychic experiences they share are much more substantial than the ones observed in regular siblings. Here is an article which outlines the phenomenon of telepathic twins in a bit more detail, with some anecdotal accounts and research: (Evidence for Twin Telepathy) Also, for the sake of knowledge and entertainment, I present this episode of One Step Beyond, a television series of the late 1950's - early 60's, which dramatized true, documented stories of various psychic phenomena.

As always, we'd enjoy hearing of any experiences readers may have had, and also any thoughts you'd like to share with us. Enjoy.


One Step Beyond, Season 3, Episode 8. 'The Trap'


"Just before he falls asleep, a man is suddenly aware that there is another life that seems to be in direct conflict with his own. He is astounded to discover that he has stumbled upon what seems to be a parallel universe - one in which he also exists - but in not quite the same way he does in this one."


"The wonder and sometimes terror of life is that we can only suppose what the next day or the next hour or the next moment will bring. Creating our own reality out of the immense unknown, we have built stone cities and laced the night with millions of electric lights. Yet even here in just such a city, a man moves unknowingly toward the edge of a cliff that falls off forever. There's nothing that I could possibly tell you about this psychic occurrence that would prepare you for its fantastic end." 


"Dominic Dinovio of Chicago and Frederick Gibbs of Reno, Nevada are identical twins. Their mother died shortly after their birth and their father put them up for adoption when they were nine weeks old. And until the ordeal we have just dramatized, they knew absolutely nothing of each other's existence. Most scientists agree that nature intended identical twins to be a single individual. They retain such exact cell structure that organs can be transplanted from one to the other with complete success. 

There's also undeniably a psychic link between identical twins. Professor H.H. Newman in his treatise Multiple Human Birth describes an example of identical twins whose minds were so attuned that even when placed in separate rooms they could write identical answers to complicated questions, using exactly the same grammar, making exactly the same mistakes, using exactly the same handwriting, and finishing at exactly the same moment.

An even more curious example is reported by the French professor Leon Camareur [spelling?]. A man in Italy was bitten by a rabid dog and died a month later. In America, his identical twin died at exactly the same moment showing every symptom of rabies except nothing had bitten him. 

Uh, one last note. Everything that Dominic Dinovio wrote in his semiconscious state in Chicago was also written by Frederick Gibbs in this notebook at the bottom of a mine shaft on a ranch outside Reno, Nevada. Now to try to explain such an occurrence would be presumptuous, but whatever the phenomenon involved, Edna Gibbs and Florence Dinovio are awfully grateful for it."

—John Newland (narrator)

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