Saturday, November 18, 2023

Drive Time Pondering


While dodging the maddening crowd on I-5 earlier today I was wondering if elegance is a natural attribute or something learned like good taste, if good taste is learned.  Sometimes it seems to be natural also.

When I look at this fellow I think now in some photos he might be considered kind of funny looking.  But! He has learned how to present himself elegantly. That would tend to indicate that to be elegant is a learned skill, but more importantly, something done on purpose, not just occurring naturally.  

From our friends at Etymology Online:
elegance (n.)
c. 1500, "tastefulness, correctness, harmoniousness, refinement," of speech or prose, from Latin elegantia "taste, propriety, refinement," from elegantem (see elegant). Earlier form was elegancy (early 15c.). Meaning "refined luxury" is from 1797. Via French come German Eleganz, Swedish elegans, etc.Related entries & more

elegant (adj.)
late 15c., "tastefully ornate," from Old French élégant (15c.) and directly from Latin elegantem (nominative elegans) "choice, fine, tasteful," collateral form of present participle of eligere "select with care, choose" (see election). Meaning "characterized by refined grace" is from 1520s. Latin elegans originally was a term of reproach, "dainty, fastidious;" the notion of "tastefully refined" emerged in classical Latin. Related: Elegantly.
Elegant implies that anything of an artificial character to which it is applied is the result of training and cultivation through the study of models or ideals of grace; graceful implies less of consciousness, and suggests often a natural gift. A rustic, uneducated girl may be naturally graceful, but not elegant. [Century Dictionary]
So, perhaps, when I look at a beautiful animal, to say that it is elegant is to demonstrate a misunderstanding of the word. Nevertheless, it is very tempting. For they are often exceedingly graceful.

Thinking again, perhaps it is not wrong to call the beautiful creatures of God elegant, but their elegance then would not be their own, but His!

To call this an open thread would be right on track!  
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Saturday All!

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