Friday, March 31, 2023
Trance and Dance
Thursday, March 30, 2023
And behind the wheel
When the ground gives way
You have to pray
To the unknown
And hope it's real
But she goes on forever
She goes on forever
She's gonna shine forever
Like a diamond
In the sunlight
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Love Names (no one is safe!)
If you're a namer,
A namer of names, as I am,
It's a way of loving.
Here I see what you are in a different light,
New each time,
And more beloved also.
Unfolding, as I speak the many names.
Love names.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
A Reading About Practicalities From The People Of The Word
It is true that I need to get one of those little fuzzballs you put on your mic to reduce wind and breath noise. I just ordered some of them.
So, what do we all think of this rabbi's opinion?
I think it has to do with awareness in all facets of life. No unthinking knuckleheadedness!
I have a lot to learn about making videos, even these little things, please stand by.
Monday, March 27, 2023
His Arboreal Majesty Requests Your Presence At A Bash!
Happy Birthday Oh Majestic Hairy Brother!

Long may he reign, furtively!
The Oracle of the Portals, Ramona, his own twoo love.
She is such a gal, that she has brought three kinds of cake. Well done, Ramona!
from Tulalip in their warpy tunnel!
Some gnomes staggered in, having taken the wrong portal from Norsk!
Also in attendance:
Otters and Foxes
Bears and Wolves
Some green Faeries
several snakes
Some dumbfounded B-Foot Researchers
Gov. Jay Inslee, (WTF)
Keith Richards
a contingent of rabbits
Ralph's totally wasted old friend, Bob.
Several Bloggers....
The beer is all gone, the smokes have
been smoked,
and there was something funny about the mushroom salad!
You may add your felicitations and best wishes for Ralph on the occasion of his birthday!!
Sunday, March 26, 2023
It Was A Huge Mistake (a bit more of our continuing story)
A little like this one!
They nearly killed everybody.
This is Jen again. I figured that it was about time in this story to explain a little about how Lou and I ended up orphans. And we are certainly not the only ones. In fact, the world is mostly comprised of orphans now. Families are something we just remember or hear about.
It seems like maybe ten or fifteen percent of the population around here survived what happened, what they did to us.
When I was just a little kid and Lou was still a toddler, we lived with our parents obviously. Our mom stayed home with us, our dad managed a marina store down on the waterfront. We had a nice time being normal boring kids with our normal boring parents. Our house was nothing special. Mom had a nice garden and liked flowers. Our dad was a boat nut! He had a little glass dinghy he was always messing with it out behind the house in a sort of garage with no car in it. He never had a chance to finish it though.
Nobody ever admitted why or how, but there were swarms of big insects like grasshoppers all of a sudden. They were not just a mess. They bit. They were dangerous. They didn't eat your garden, they wanted to eat you! They could strip a body down to the bones if there were enough of them. These things began to be called Piranha bugs. They were sort of gunmetal blue and very shiny. They were about three inches long! Also, you could hear them. They made a sort of thrumming noise like a huge crowd of people talking or arguing.
They bred like crazy, and there were more and more of them all the time. People began to panic. There were all kinds of ideas about how to kill them. People tried burning them. They tried all kinds of bug sprays on them. It was hard because they moved fast, too fast to stick around and get killed. Sure, if you caught one, you could smash it. But that was just one!
The situation got so bad so fast that the old government in DC figured that they better do something. It was a horrible bloody mess out here and the public began to blame Washington for not ending the invasion somehow. The business of the country and the world in fact, was not getting done. People were hiding from the Piranha bugs inside their houses.
Some giant brain in Washington figured out that there was an airborn bacteria that these things were vulnerable to. So they sent drones spraying this bacteria over all known areas of infestation. It killed a lot of them, but not all of them. Some were resistant. Incredibly, it also destroyed people with type O positive blood.
That's what happened. Some people died quickly. Some hung on longer. The bacteria seemed to like to infect the heart and blood vessels. It changed the whole world. Lou and I lived, our parents died. The bacteria and the bugs both vanished when their host organisms died.
The country got divided into six big sections, they kind of got rid of the states. That's how we ended up living in the PNW Section Authority, known as P-Sec to normal people.
The re-organization was miserable, but worked with so few people, kind of.
We began to dream about our own re-organisation. We were so thin on the ground.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Saturday Is Wide Open
You see how it is? I just didn't get anything done Friday night at all.
I hope we can just chat along as usual!
Friday, March 24, 2023
Ostensibly About Not Smoking
But, what it's really about is the small moving spot light of my attention to what I am doing. Life in the interface between was and will be.
I have smoked a lot in the last decades, starting at around 18 I think. The high school with ash trays, as the Jr. College was called, made it all too easy. All the common areas were full of ash trays.
I also spent years not smoking. I didn't smoke when pregnant or with small babies around.
Why did I do it. It is a great piece of dramatic staging. It looks cool, if you think that way. It shows attitude, done right. I tried to remember to hold mine like a radical. Little P, the desperate radical. It is to laugh.
Later, up on the Res., I used to smoke a lot with my older Native lady friend. That's what we did. BS, smoke cigarettes and drink her nasty weak coffee! Man, we had some heavy duty discussions.
Getting to my point, I thought that it would be getting easier about now. It's been maybe a week or so since I just in the middle of the day quit it. Now, I am not an addict, I am a habitual smoker. But actually, it was a little hard today, because I kept running into situations where I would normally have lit up and I had to just remember not to. You understand that I never had my own. I always asked for one from himself. So, they are always just as available as usual, but my attention must be on what I am doing. I have to remember not to smoke. My little spot light must stay on.
See, it's that attitude thing. Now all I can do is raise an eyebrow, or something!Do I miss it? A bit. Not a lot. Another thing about paying attention: it seems to me that once in a while, if I am staying aware, that God sends around special opportunities to empower a person to do what needs to be done. Anybody else sense that? A special window? I saw one and figured I better hop right in.
As per usual, I would love to hear your stories about smoking or anything!Thursday, March 23, 2023
For Ralph's Mama
Now She Is At Pains
In waves, she saw the future.
In waves, she let it all go.
An old one faced her and held her eyes.
Outside, her people darkly knelt together.
Hands and feet plead with the earth. Save her alive.
Give the young breath.
She moans. She is deep now.
The people groaned back.
It is a work. It is a blessing.
Blood and water.
The old one held her eyes steady.
Her people wait now.
Rough joy.
It is a life.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Just A Wee Bit More Business
Hi, this is Jen. It was getting later in the afternoon and I figured we better get something for Buddy to eat. He was a really skinny looking, big dog!We usually filled our backpacks with whatever they happened to have in the state-run store. You never knew what might be there. You also never knew where it was made, at all, or where they got it. This was official shopping done with official funny money, from the little books we had gotten at the old used to be Post Office. There were other ways of buying stuff, but it was all a bit underground. You had to know somebody.
I will say, it’s a funny business being orphans in what’s left of the country.
“Hey, Lou” I say “let’s go buy some Alpo or something, and see if they have something for us.” She got up to her feet and Buddy stood up too. Lou had been squatting like an Indian on the sidewalk just silently watching the people in town today.
I looped my arm through hers, and we went down the sidewalk like a couple of nuts with a big dog. Buddy stayed right with me and Lou. There were a few more of those stencils painted on the sidewalk. “Follow Me”. Follow who? Who knows! So, on the main old highway, there is a store that used to be a supermarket. They still call it the QFC, but it isn’t really the QFC. It’s kind of a PNW Section Authority food outlet. I can barely remember real supermarkets. Lots of whatever you wanted. No more.
This place was really dull. They don’t decorate at all. All of the old shelves and cases are there, but most of them don’t have a lot. However, they had some canned dog food. I was joking about Alpo. They had plain cans that said dog food, beef, in black lettering on the top. Poor old Buddy. God knows what was in the can, but it was what it was, you know?
I got some paper plates too. They had peanut butter and heavy whole wheat bread too. And some little apples. I had to buy a plastic knife for the peanut butter.
Outside the store, I laid down a paper plate, pulled the tab on the dog food can and dumped it out for Buddy to eat. He had been waiting a long time. He didn’t gobble. He ate carefully, and cleanly. We needed to find him some water somewhere. I put the paper plate in a garbage barrel near the door. Then we all moved over to the bus stop, though there are very few buses these days, and sat down for a peanut butter picnic. I forgot to mention that the store had canned tea, so we had some of that too. No dessert, unless you count a very small apple. Still, we felt better then.
While we were up by the Post Office, I had noticed a couple of boys. I had never seen them before. They were picking up their little booklets of fake money also. I got a pretty good look while their backs were turned. They appeared to be late teens and like they might have been walking for a long time. You know how that looks? Worn tennies, dusty jeans, limp looking puffer jackets and big backpacks, hair stuffed in plain black beanies.
So of course, they appeared at the same store we had gone to. Sitting in our bus stop shelter we didn’t stare. It's more like a sideways scope out. I did notice that sewn to the back of each backpack was a six-inch square piece of red fabric with word “NO” stenciled on it in white. The plot was beginning to thicken just a little bit.
So, of course, the boys came over to the same bus stop. I thought they probably wanted to sit down and eat something also. Lou and I scooted down and made room. Buddy stood up in front of us looking at them. He didn’t bark, but he didn’t budge either.
“What’s your dog’s name?” the taller one asked. “In fact, what’s your name, or hers?” he said nodding at Lou. “I’m Doug, this wart here is Elvin.” The wart looked amiably and tolerantly at his brother, and grinned at us. Well, ok, Elvin was a doll. Doug was ok too.
“I don’t really know the dog’s name” I said. “He found us walking into town from Riverside. And he seems to think we are his now. Oh, yeah, we call him Buddy. He doesn’t seem to mind.”
“That’s my little sister, Lou, and I am Jen.”
Doug made them some sandwiches with the same brown bread and some potted ham spread. Not my preference! They had some kind of soda in cans too. Eating, and resting and looking around Doug spoke again. “So, um, what are you doing in town, I mean besides getting your book of stamps and buying lunch?”
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
A Reading From The Messy Desk Of Peebers
I just didn't see much point in dancing around this chapter and re-writing it. Better to just read it intact!
I was laughing a little because one reads that Jews don't believe in an afterlife. I wonder where they got that idea? According to these two writers, it's nothing but life, going through changes. Reminds me of the discussion about rebirth.
I was questioning the assertion that matter can't be destroyed, that it just changes form. On a certain level, I guess this is true. In another sense, there is no such thing as matter. IMO matter is a massive bunch of information. I better not try to go there tonight. I am tired. lol!
The main point is that we are a soul having a physical experience.
All of this is true, as far as it goes. What it doesn't deal with is the Bridge between God and man, the Son of Man. We can deal with that in our comments.
Monday, March 20, 2023
A Rustic Idyll, With A Shooting!
Today, I thought I would tell a little tale involving my Grandma, Frances, up there. She was an original, quite a character. Farmer's wife. Born in Kansas.
I was down in Idaho, with some of the family, visiting the grandparent's farm that summer. It was our usual vacation. My parents didn't do a real vacation! lol. Nope.
I was probably about 16 years old, and my younger male cousin was there also that day.
So Grandma says there is a sick rooster down in the corral. She wants Todd and I to go kill the rooster and give it to the barn cats. These cats would really eat a rooster! So she hands me a 22 long gun of some sort and Todd, who was about 12 at that time, and I head on down the driveway through the farm to this corral area. Now, I had never shot any kind of gun, ever. However, Frances liked to shake things up and see what fell out.
Way across this corral, so small that I couldn't see him in any detail, I saw our quarry, a ratty looking old rooster. So while Todd, watched, I took aim and fired. By some quirk of Universal Kozmik Weirdness I clipped its head neatly off. Cat food, off the hoof!
Do you remember that cat food commercial, with the jingle that goes "meow meow meow meow meow etc" in that tune? Anyhow, cousin Todd was so excited that he ran up to the house singing the jingle all the way, to spread the happy news of my terrific shot. I hope my grandma was pleased.
Not being completely green, and knowing about how likely that was to ever happen again, I never ever ever took another shot in front of Todd or any of them, ever again.
My reputation remained intact.
That's Todd. As you can see, he is going to lose this match.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Greetings Lurkers, BigFoot Researchers and All Gentle Folk
Sometimes the boat sails, and sometimes it just doesn't. So, let's do an open thread today.
We so appreciate you all for turning up from day to day, and for all your comments.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
The Raven And The Rose
The prince and the girl had quarreled.
He sat disconsolately on a byway bench. My, what a handsome prince he was! Long of limb he was, and dressed in casual elegance, which he thought was just normal. He sat so long that he was beginning to let the anger drift away into the air. In fact, he was sleepy, and as he was a young fit fellow, sleep came easily, even with a broken heart. The blood-red roses he carried fell away into the street. Some were trampled on by passing citizens, children, and horses. He slept on.
She, in her little tower, had ceased crying. Her face was somewhat red, and teary. She was no princess. She was a rather spoiled girl-child nearing marriageable age. At this point in her life, she looked like a rather pretty young fish-wife, touseled and damp, but adorable. She was not locked into the tower. Her dad and mum just happened to live in a little stone tower with lots of windows on all three floors. So, of course, she did also.
Feeling petulant and wronged she had sequestered herself on the top floor and was gazing blearily out of a window facing the common street. She felt as if all the happiness of recent days had died and with it all her hopes.
A very large and majestic Raven sat nearby, like an omen, observing the two of them, for they were not very far apart. Ravens are very wise in the ways of all sorts of mankind, for they are always watching and listening to our foolishness, and the mismatching of fortunes in love and business. They are also nosy. She flew down near the bench.
In very Raven-like sideways hops, she approached the prince's bench. She observed that he was totally out of it for the moment. She poked around in the sullied bouquet of bloody colored roses and found a perfect one, seized it in her large black beak, and flew into the sky.
She flew to the open window where the sad girl looked out. Landing on the stone ledge, she offered the rose to the girl and then spoke. While the girl was holding the rose, Raven said "Go to him now. He is only sleeping on that bench just down the street. You have been a fool and you must mend your foolishness for your sake and his."
Running down all the stairs in the little tower and out into the street, she saw him there just a bit down the block.
As you can imagine, once she had awakened him, and he had gotten over his astonishment, there was a heartfelt conversation in which first she and then he confessed to pettiness and lack of generosity, and they laid bare their hearts to each other. They sat together beside the trampled roses and held the one perfect rose between them, and all was well.
From high up in a convenient tree the observant Raven sat watching in inscrutable approval, with glittering black eyes. Then she flew away to where it was her own business to fly!
Of course, this eerie song by Tom Waits is only barely appropriate, but I thought the tone of it a good fit.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Have A Green Day!
What I always heard was that the Irish in Ireland think we Americans are nuts, celebrating St. Pat's like we tend to. But, I went looking for photos to prove this contention and it appears that they have come over to our way of celebrating.
It appears that a party is a party. I saw no sober religious observations in my search.St. Patrick's Day 2012: Facts, Myths, and TraditionsWho Was the Man Behind St. Patrick's Day?
For starters, the real St. Patrick wasn't even Irish. He was born in Britain around A.D. 390 to an aristocratic Christian family with a townhouse, a country villa, and plenty of slaves.
What's more, Patrick professed no interest in Christianity as a young boy, Freeman noted.
At 16, Patrick's world turned: He was kidnapped and sent overseas to tend sheep as a slave in the chilly, mountainous countryside of Ireland for seven years.
"It was just horrible for him," Freeman said. "But he got a religious conversion while he was there and became a very deeply believing Christian."
St. Patrick's Disembodied Voices
According to folklore, a voice came to Patrick in his dreams, telling him to escape. He found passage on a pirate ship back to Britain, where he was reunited with his family.
The voice then told him to go back to Ireland.
"He gets ordained as a priest from a bishop, and goes back and spends the rest of his life trying to convert the Irish to Christianity," Freeman said.
Patrick's work in Ireland was tough—he was constantly beaten by thugs, harassed by the Irish royalty, and admonished by his British superiors. After he died on March 17, 461, Patrick was largely forgotten.
But slowly, mythology grew around Patrick, and centuries later he was honored as the patron saint of Ireland, Freeman noted.***
St. Patrick's Day: Made in America?
Until the 1970s, St. Patrick's Day in Ireland was a minor religious holiday. A priest would acknowledge the feast day, and families would celebrate with a big meal, but that was about it.
"St. Patrick's Day was basically invented in America by Irish-Americans," Freeman said.
It's an interesting and informative article. This family doesn't usually make any fuss about it, except to take advantage of corned beef sales. That's another thing that is different, the Irish, I hear, have lamb on the day. Corned beef is one of those sort of Jewish/American things. We live in the heart of the melting pot after all!
I can tell you another amusing "Irish" story. Those fishermen's sweaters in cream colored wool, with all the cables and bobbles? They were not traditional. They were contracted to be made and merchandised by a Jewish guy! Real fisherman's sweaters were usually navy blue and of rather more restrained surface patterning.
I have only one characteristic memory of my own about the green day. One year in Jr. High I went nuts and dyed all of my clothing green. I did a poor job, in the washing machine at home. My clothes were stained a sort of washed out green that year. I suppose I drove my parents around the bend, but if so, I don't remember there being any amazement that I had done this thing. Maybe they were expecting trouble at any time.
And just to get you in the proper mood!
Oy! And Begorrah! Party on I guess!
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Without Conjecture Where Would We Be?
Now here is some conjecture for ya!
I think conjecture gets a bad rap. That's probably because stating a conjecture is not a good proof of anything. However, it's the beginning of ideas in another way.
I believe that all experimentation and/or design begins with an idea, which does not begin by being provable. What would happen if I did such and such? My desired result would be a conjecture.
So, it's a controlled form of guessing, with experimentation, in a way.
I'm not a scientist, but maybe a lower form of an engineer of sorts, a designer. Everything I have ever designed started with a sort of guess or conjecture. How about if I try such and such and see how that looks. It doesn't always work out. But how would I know if I didn't have a question in mind and try it?
I realize that I am indulging in the stretching of a definition. π
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
I Am A Specialist In Finding The Easy Way Out
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Strangers On A Plane?

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πΈπ€πΈ What can a Raven do while recovering? In a way, all she can do is return to the days of her youth and lie i...