Saturday, March 4, 2023

Jesus, The True Crown Of Creation


I had a little idea last night.  See what you think. It came to me as a vision of layers of flowering, one leading to the next.


I was thinking about stages of deep time and a possible process of development. 

What if, first God made the universe, including this little planet, I don’t pretend to understand that creating.  But what if, He set it up and it cooked a long time, deep, deep time. When it was ready, He made all the forms of plant and animal life.  Then he let them live and develop for time that we can’t even really understand, it not being just a bunch of days like we have now.

Then out of this matrix of creation, He brought up the flower of that creation, rational mankind with the breath of His mind in them, awareness, and it was a flowering out of all that had gone before?

Once mankind had been living on earth for great spaces of time and had had their glories and their utter crashes, He called Moishe up into a mountain for a meeting about an ethical system that was meant to be internal.  He wrote it in stone.  It was a flowering of all that had gone before. 

The crux of the thought is that the practices of Judaism were designed to create a mental framework, that was new and different.  Going through the motions, obeying the rules was making a new kind of mankind.  I’m trying this idea on like a coat. The idea is that it was a process of further creation, an internal, mental creation. It was meant to change the mentality of the whole world, I think.

And then, when that whole system was pervasive enough, just barely, apparently, but maybe God was urgent about this…the ultimate, ineffable Flowering, out of all that had gone before was born into the world in Bethlehem.  The house of bread.

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