Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Tom, The Annoying Pupdog Etc Etc


The Annoying Pup, Tom, and some movie star or something.


          “Well, he’s not green, but he’s still a dog Toots.  And they let him come inside the house!”
          Toots shuddered delicately, and shook her head, thankful that no such outrage happened at her house.
          “You know when I see that big old rubbery black nose snuffling all over the floor looking for any crumb he might be able to gobble up, I wonder if he is completely devoid of normal mental faculties!” observed Suzy with some heat.
          “I’ve seen some nasty creatures too, Suzy, but they were outside the screen that protects us!” Her voice deepened into a storytelling growl.
          “Oooo, tell me!” Suzy zinged back quickly.
          “Shall we start with the least offensive Suzy?  That would be that scrofulous sulfur colored he-cat. He is easily sent packing!  I scream until he leaves.  Simple.”
          “Is he in love Toots?” giggled Suzy.
          “I can’t imagine what you are talking about Miss Suzy! I am not in the mood for love, unlike in the song.
          “Deer are not offensive, but they are interlopers and require to be sent packing. So I do my duty and scream at them until they shove off too,” said Toots in a business like manner. “And they are hopelessly stupid.”
          “I’ve seen and smelled skunks. There have been foxes, sly slithery dog-like things always looking for something to kill and eat. Well, I know we would do that too if we had to, but we don’t have to, do we?” said Toots.
          “Tom, this pup, is hopelessly dim too.  I’ve never seen such a restless living creature.  He can’t hold still. He moves constantly. From where I watch well out of his reach, his motion makes me seasick.
          “We cats know what to do when we’re not doing anything!  We don’t just bumble around mindlessly! We sleep, obviously,” mewed Suzy. “Surely anybody knows to do that? It only makes sense!”
          “It’s funny in a way, Suzy, your monster comes inside your house once in a while, but the things I monitor are outside, illusive, hard to comprehend or even see very clearly,” sent Toots. “There is just a kind of electric buzz, and then I know something is out there. I’m not sure if I hear it or feel it.”

          “But I think I know who it is that walks the hill country at night. Some of those owl calls can’t be owl calls, you know? Too loud, half a note off even sometimes. I’m not even sure of some of those fox yips, and even dog yelps. There is something going on out there, and I mean to understand it some day,” thought Toots.
          “Oh, we have those too, dear. Once the people have mostly gone to bed in town and the streets are silent, they come across the bridge from the east or from the north sometimes.  I don’t know what they are looking for,” said Suzy, “but we have to keep watching! Always keep watching!” agreed Suzy.

   End of transmission.

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