Friday, October 4, 2024

One Day In Spring


         Colin M. Kelly liked to be outdoors. He lived alone, but he still liked to keep a little garden. So, one day in April when it wasn’t too windy and the sun was shining in a hopeful manner on his little plot, he was out there with a spade turning over the soil.  He was proud of his soil.  He had worked to make it nice. It was full of compost and big pink earthworms.

            Standing there, looking pleased at his work, like any gardener, with the sun warming his curls and in a meditative mood, he began to notice something unusual. He thought some words, or “heard” some words, which did not originate from his own though processes.
            “How about Saturday, in the afternoon? Will you and Millicent come have dinner with us?” It took a minute for him to remember Ralph promising him that he would get a message in a few months. Colin was a little surprised that Ralph would make reference to a day of the week, but he supposed it went with speaking English to people like himself.
            Colin wasn’t sure how to go about answering this invitation, but finally decided that the only way that made sense was to think his answer as firmly as he could, directing it to Ralph in his mind. It worked.
            “Yes,” he said, “ I will come for sure. I will ask Millicent too. I expect that she will want to be there.”
            “Good,” said Ralph, like a sort of bee in Colin’s bonnet, so to speak. “When you drive out, go down the highway until you get to that wide dirt pullout there at about the right area. I’m sure you know it. I will meet you there and walk you in. Midafternoon. I’ll know when you get there.” And that was the end of the transmission.
            He worked for another hour, got the soil spaded, and went into his house, to warm up and make a little lunch. Tomato soup and grilled cheese, good old kid food.
            While he was sitting at his table he phoned Millicent at work at the paper. As he had suspected she was pretty excited to get another visit with Ralph and entourage. He told her he would pick her up at her apartment just after noon on Saturday in his county vehicle.
            So, that Saturday he gassed up the big SUV, at the local Chevron and drove into town from the ‘burbs to pick of Millicent. He parked on her street and texted, “I’m out here, ‘on the street where you live’!” She texted back, “ready or not, here I come,” and popped out of the building’s main door.
            There she was, dressed for a forest visit. Jeans, boots, olive sweater to go with her complexion and black curls, black puffer coat and a nice handknit beanie in olive green. She wasn’t 20 years old anymore, but she was a nice looking lady. She didn’t have her laptop, because there was no point in bringing it. She had her phone, but it was powered down, because no recording would be happening today. Those were the rules.
            They drove out of town in companionable silence mostly. They discussed the rescue of Tilly and the writeup Millicent had done of the story. Nobody had let slip who actually had brought Tilly back to her parents. Both felt that was pretty slick, and laughed.
            Colin confessed to a great deal of curiosity about how Ralph and his family lived at their home in the forest, and Millicent talked about some of what she had seen there.
            Before getting clear out of town they stopped at a drive up coffee stand in Marysville and got some coffees, and a couple of poppy seed muffins for the road. Colin made the drive last, taking slightly circuitous routes.
            At last they arrived at the wide spot on the highway where those goofy Squatch hunters had parked. Colin pulled the big county vehicle as far off the road as he could and parked. They got out and locked up and stood around for a couple of minutes waiting for Ralph to appear.
            It was mild out. The sun was popping in and out of clouds. The snow seemed to be gone at this altitude. But further uphill they could see that there was still a lot of snow remaining. A large Raven watched them from a lower branch, then took off into the forest.
            Just when they were starting to wonder where he was, Ralph appeared back in the trees a little and gestured for them to come into the forest and follow him.  Ralph didn’t like to go out on the verge of the highway during the day time.
            “Hey, we’re all happy you guys could come,” he said while they were making their way down the trail. “Ramona and Twigg know Millicent, but it will good for them to meet you Colin.”
            And just like always, soon they were in the Home Clearing. Colin looked around in wonder. It was so homey, but so outdoorsie also. There was the cave door Millicent had told him about.  Here was the fire circle and the logs pulled up near it for seating. A good big fire was burning, so it was very cozy and pleasant to be there.
            Ramona hugged Millicent and said hello to Colin. She invited them to sit by the fire. They were introduced to Twigg, who was getting to be a big guy for his age, of course. Millicent was allowed to hold Cherry, who sat still in her lap like a good girl and didn’t go floating away. Berry and Bob came around to be admired and sit by the fire.
            They talked and talked all before and through dinner, which was roasted ducks and roasted potatoes and carrots with onions, procured from Thaga. There was wild mint tea to drink and dried apple slices for dessert, with some wild hazel nuts too.
            Colin and Millicent both thanked Ramona for the lovely dinner in the wonderful setting. Then they all talked more. Soon evening was coming on. Ramona put the children and the puma bros to bed in the cave and then came out to join the others at the fire for more conversation.
            Ralph put some more deadfall wood on the fire, and it brightened up, lighting his face from below as he stood before Colin and Millicent where they sat together on one log. He became somewhat fearsome and solemn in appearance. He seemed to be deeply in thought or perhaps it was more like meditation. At last he spoke, in a changed voice, deep and serious.
            “I think it’s about time, don’t you two,” said Ralph. “You know what I mean, don’t you?” He stood before them, impossibly large and mythic with authority. Colin trembled a bit, then looked at Millicent, who seemed transfixed by the idea that was coming to birth in her mind.
            They looked into each other’s eyes for a few moments, and finally Colin said, “yes, it’s time.”  Millicent said, “yes, it is time!” They seemed a bit dazed, but happy and decided.
            So right then, and there, by the fire, in the gathering evening, in the deep forests of the Mt Baker Snoqualmie National Forest, Ralph helped Colin and Millicent give their promises to each other in front of Ralph and Ramona for witnesses, and in fact before their Maker also.
            Ralph laughed a booming laugh. There were congratulations and kisses and hugs. There were no flowers, no big guest list, no big deals, just the promises given.
            “Seemed like you two needed a little nudge,” he said, winking. Ramona had to laugh a little. She might have been an instigating force also.
            So, when Colin and Millicent left the Home Clearing to drive home, things were different. They went to his house, skipping the apartment altogether. They figured they would sort it all out soon. They thought they might get it legalized and change Millicent’s last name to Kelly, but no big hurry.
            There are some things which rise above legality, as we know well.

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