Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Cats Puzzle It Out



        One very warm and sunny day Sammie and Toots were at their posts keeping a sharp eye open for trespassers and other riffraff. Their window gave them a good open view. But the trouble brewing was inside, not out there on the landscape.
        “Hey,” Toots said, “I hear a strange buzzing sound in my ears. Do you have a strange buzzing sound in your ears, sister?”
        “Now that you mention it, sister, I thought maybe I was imagining it,” said Sammie. “But it’s loud.”
        “I’ve been having strange dreams too,” said Toots.
Sammie laughed. “Stranger than the one with the big black bird named Maeve?”
        “I feel like everything has just slipped somehow. I can’t quite get my paw on it,” said Toots.
            “You hid from the hairbrush, sister. What in the world?” said Sammie.
        “He sneezed! It sounded like a crack in the world, Sammie! I was afraid for my life!”
        “Maybe you should get with that other jumpy cat you like to commune with, see if she knows anything. Maybe Suzy is having funny dreams and buzzing ears too, and maybe she has heard something,” said Sammie.
        So, Toots put her head down and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the buzzing in her ears. She sent out an inquiry as well as she could.

        “Suzy, are you there?” purred Toots.
        “I’m here, Toots. Same place I always am, though I almost slipped out today,” said Suzy regretfully. “How are you? Anything special to report?”
        “Me and Sammie were wondering if you had anything funny going on. Is today normal or not, at your house?”
        “Prrt! Hm. Funny you should ask. I am having trouble with my tail. It won’t mind me. Even when I am asleep, it keeps whipping back and forth. It’s embarrassing,” said Suzy. “And that’s not all, I hear a sound. It’s like an electric bell in my head.”
        “Now MY tail is starting up!” yelped Toots in alarm, but she didn’t run away.
        “I wondered if you had been dreaming about the sun,” asked Toots. “I keep dreaming that something like a ball of light with a tail is pulling on the sun. Does that make any sense to you? Every time I have that dream, I wake up all scared and I feel like hiding forever!”
        “Yes, but a different dream. I dreamed that the sun tried to reach down here with big long fiery arms!” said Suzy. “Then my tail started lashing around. All I could think about was running away!
        “Willie has lost his appetite! That might be the scariest thing of all! If only you knew. Willie being hungry is one of the eternal verities of life. Or it was. Now I don’t know what to think. I try to avoid him. He’s cranky.”
        “Poor Willie, Suzy. Imagine how he must feel! Lol! It’s probably scary to him also! It’s funny too!” said Toots.
        “What do you think we should do?” Suzy sent out to both Sammie and Toots.
        “I think we should purr on this together,” they both said at once.
        “This might be affecting the whole world, sisters,” said Suzy with her eyes wide open, ready to bolt. “We better call all the cats we can think of! Or, better, all the cats in the world!”
        So, while the world rolled on, with no one giving a thought to the cats of the world and their cosmic concerns, these same cats took on a situation in their own way, out a sense of responsibility. 
        All over earth cats who had been feeling just a bit off, or a lot, off, heard the call from Toots, Sammie and Suzy in America. Almost all of them, rich or poor, fat or thin, fancy or plain, agreed on a mighty world-wide purr.
        So, though it was various hours of daytime in America and evening or night in other parts of the world, it didn’t matter about the time. Cats operate on a 24 hour clock anyhow.
        All the kitties, who heeded the call, all over the world, put their heads down, wrapped their tails tightly around their feet and closed their eyes in purr. All asked the same questions in purr.
        And the great All Knowing, lent them a little bit of knowing, all of them at once.
        They began to understand a little bit about Signs in the Heavens. How the sun being perturbed by another body could affect them all in various odd ways. They began to know that even people felt it sometimes.
        Then they were given the strength to sing within their hearts. And sing they did. All the kitty-hearts sang in harmonious peace and praise of the All Knowing. The All Knowing heard them. Their alarm passed and they knew that all would be well. And it was well.
        You know what, Suzy,” said Toots, “I don’t remember what I was so worried about. Do you?”
        “Not for sure,” said Suzy. “I’m very sleepy now. Let’s talk tomorrow, Toots!”
        “OK, now I’m sleepy too,” said Toots.
        So they both took a nice nap.


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