Monday, August 21, 2023

Those Two Wolves Again

 We have all heard the story. It is usually told as if it were a traditional Native story. Alas, it probably is not. 

It states that we have two wolves inside, a good white wolf and a bad black wolf, and that which one wins is determined by which one you feed.

Simplistic, yes.  True, ok, yeah. But I think most of our wolves look more like this one.
He's a good wolf. But he requires training. He is wild, but mostly willing. He wants to know what you want of him. Like any doglike critter he will enact that which he perceives you desire him to be.

In a sense you are the emissary of God to him, or her.  Reward him when he is obedient and kind and cuddly and protective also.

Admonish him when he is furtive or whiny or rough or breaks house rules.  Don't let him act "black."

Every day, and many times every day, we make a decision which behavior is desirable and encourage that.  Then our wolf will learn to be "white", though born wolfishly grey!

I admonish myself here. I know my wolf pretty well.

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