Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Race With No Name by Professor Farnsworth


Prologue part 2: The Race with no name:

Over millions of years, the no name race built great machines to tame their hostile world. Machines that channeled the heat from the hot side to the cold side, transforming the night side into a domed jewel that sparkled from space. They created large triangular space craft to explore their local star cluster. These ships harnessed great power to fold space, so distance was not a problem, and the effects of space travel were eliminated. During this exploration period of the race some life was found, some lifeforms were very primitive, some were on the march to becoming interstellar players.

The no named race observed those upstarts closely. If the observed race advanced too much and too quickly, they would intervene. Much as a child would shake his or her ant farm to cause the workers to start all over again, they would do also, vigorously. They enjoyed this the most and considered it great sport. They also collected sample creatures from other worlds and stored them for later use, for one needs subjects to experiment on and play with.

Soon they became bored with exploration and returned to their home world and pondered upon what they had seen. They decided after much reflection and contemplation to turn themselves inward and focus on themselves. No longer did they want to go about the lowly job of maintaining and doing jobs that were just too far below their ego and station in creation. Exploration resulted in contact with lesser beings which made them feel dirty.

For a while they used the subjects they had liberated from off-worlds, egotistically feeling that they had liberated them from a sorry existence. The no name race taught them, showed them how to do the menial task of maintenance.

 This worked for a while, until some used the new knowledge and weakly attempted a revolt. How dare they! They were put down fast and disposed of. How inconvenient of them to do such a thing after being given the honor of serving the race with no name. So, something had to be done. They needed a loyal workforce that could work independently and would not dare to challenge them. They desired a simple mind dedicated to working for them with no questions.  So, they turned their attention to creating an artificial life-form to perform these tasks.



Prologue part 3   A Meeting:

All Being stood outside of existence with His host of dancing lights. The Dark One stepped out of his plane and stood before All Being. With a slight bow, the Dark One said “Master.”


“What do you want unfaithful servant?”


“Master, I wish to place a trial upon a species in one of your realities and as you surely know I have to ask permission to do so.”

“Yes, my former second, I know the rules in which we engage. State the name and we shall see.” 

“Master, I choose what will be called the no name race.”  


All Being pondered the request as he reviewed what this particular creation would become and create. All Being wept at what He saw of this creation. It had followed a path that so many others had. So arrogant and egotistical that they failed to see that they were on a road to sure destruction. Perhaps the dark one could separate the grain from the chaff. After much consideration He said, “So be it.”


The Dark One smiled and with a slight bow, departed.


All Being told the lights to follow and observe. “You have permission to save any of the race that you find worthy.”


The lights sparkled and flew out into the void and disappeared.

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