Monday, July 3, 2023

Balance, Cheerfulness and A Light Touch


I’m having an imaginary conversation with Yeshuah. We’re sitting having a nice coffee on a nice bench under a Maple tree in a well kept up park somewhere. We can hear robins, of course, and a couple of crows arguing or announcing something to the world in general.. 

He says, “hey, don’t worry so much. You’re way more than these birds and trees and flowers and stuff and your Father takes care of them. Look how nice it all is here!”

I say, “but Yeshuah, rabboni, (beloved teacher, trans.) I have a lot on my mind. I have sick family members and I have pains of my own too. What do you recommend?”

He smiles kindly. Then says, “do the very best that you can. Do everything that is wise for the body. Feed it the best food that you can find and afford. Take your vitamins and minerals and special meds. But then, turn it loose in your mind. Give the care of it over to your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can know.

“Be vigilant for those in your care! You are their strong advocate, but you are not their Lord, I am. Be at peace.”

I say, “the care of it all wears me down Lord.”

He says, “you know this is not your home. Walk lightly here. You will only be here for a short while, same as everyone else. Let your heart be light. Relax. Allow yourself to rest in our Father’s love and he will carry you.”

I wept with relief for a while as we sat together in the sunlight. Then I wiped my tears away, and stood and so did he, and we said goodbye and I’ll see you around.

He said, “don’t forget to smile. It’s good for you and it lifts those you care for to the very steps of Heaven.”

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