Monday, July 10, 2023

Some Practicalities With Ellen The Midwife



There was about half an acre of vegetable garden and a nice big chicken run full of multi-colored hens, and one red rooster.

A tall brunette girl about six months along was sitting with a younger blond girl in a couple of old folding lawn chairs on the grass. They looked up together and I wondered what they saw. A thin, greying, motherly person in jeans and a flannel shirt over a t, with the inevitable backpack? I stood quietly and let them look me over.

The girls smiled. Jen said, “the Light told me you would come, Ellen.” 
(A little overlap from last time.)


The blond girl said her name was Lou. She stood and offered me her chair and went into the house to find a kitchen chair for herself.

I sat in Lou’s lawn chair, and said, “hello, Jen. I received a message about you and Doug from an unusual source, to say the least. Apparently, you are familiar with the same source.”

She nodded. “Yeah, we have seen those Lights a lot in the last year. That’s what they are called. They seem to be messengers and guardians, when needed. They have saved us more than once.”

Lou put her wooden kitchen chair next to Jen and listened in without comment.

“The Lights seem to be the army of him we know as All Being, the creator. The first time we saw them was here in the back yard one night. It was a shock. But those Lights have a way of putting you at ease about themselves. They are gentle towards honest people.

“Some promises were made and also announcements,” said Jen.

As I was watching her speak, I noticed that there was a young man walking up from the back of the garden. He seemed to be in his early twenties. His hair was dark, and he was wiry. He was maybe 6’ one or two inches. This had to be Doug. As he got closer, I could see that he was deeply tanned. His eyes were blue, and he smiled as he walked up.

He glanced at Jen, winked, and said, “Hi, I’m Doug. I’m responsible for this situation at hand. You must be Ellen MacNamara. They said you would come.”

“I’m happy to meet you, Doug. I was just telling Jen how I heard about you two.

“You know, of course, that I am not a physician or a surgeon. I am a lay midwife, with some college courses in midwifery and nursing, but I have been doing this job since the nineties. I could have delivered you kids, but you were probably born in the local hospital, weren’t you?”

They nodded, all three of them.

“Since we have no hospital at the moment, babies and mothers are mostly being assisted by me and others like me. Some births are attended only by the husband, or some friend. Most of the time it works out ok. The Creator must like babies! 96% of births happen exactly the same. It’s that other 4% that cause the troubles when they come.

“I have depended on prayer when I go to help a new mother. So far, none of the babies or the mothers have been lost. I expect the same outcome with you. I’ll do a little physical examination in the house in a few minutes, and we will go from there. You look healthy and strong Jen.”

I sat silent for a moment and looked at their kind young faces, all three of them. Doug looked me in the eyes in a straightforward manner. Jen herself looked a little sleepy, holding her hands together in her lap beneath her little swelling tummy. Lou kept her eyes on her sister mostly. Lou would be a great help to Jen in the future.

They told me that Doug had a younger brother, who was out on an errand with their new friend Roger. So, though Roger didn’t live with them, it was usually a household of five young souls, with a new one coming soon.

“Do any of you have questions that I can answer, or try to answer anyhow? Or do you have anything you think that I should know before going further?”

Doug said “how will we know when it is happening? What are the signs? I don’t know anything about birth.”

Sitting out in their sunny backyard, listening to the chickens talk among themselves, and glancing from time to time at their big garden with the tidy rows, I ran them through some more information. Then we ladies all went into the bedroom, and I checked Jen’s body in the usual ways, and she seemed just fine to me. I expected a good outcome.

This ministry was my life. I didn’t ever mention payment. Usually, I was given some sign of appreciation and thanks. It was always interesting to see what was offered. Sometimes it was something made by the new mother, or the father. Sometimes it was food items, jam, and cakes and so on. Sometimes it was something of more value. I received a beautiful lady’s watch once. I always honor the gift by accepting it.

All of us expected that one of the Lights would bring us all together again when Jen’s time was approaching.

I arranged to meet with them at least once a month until her due date, which was approximate. I just wanted to see her a few more times before the birth. We should get to know each other and be friends by then. It’s good to be friends when helping at a birth. It’s easier to allay fears then.

Jen said, “lets have some tea and cookies before you walk home Ellen. I make very simple cookies from whole wheat ground fine here at home, butter, honey, eggs, and vanilla. The butter we got by bartering vegetables. But they are cookies! The tea is just mint from the garden.

“I am so grateful that you agreed to come to help me Ellen. I am truly thankful.”

We sat at their kitchen table for our snack. We talked about life as it is now. Some of it hard, but some of it very free indeed. Since the collapse of P-Sec, we had no supervision at all really. We had no special human protection either, but so far hadn’t needed any.

I said, “next time, we will have to talk about the kinds of supplies you need to care for an infant. We used to buy disposable diapers, but those are mined out of the defunct stores and even homes. It will have to be cloth and you will have a lot of laundry to do, until the child can be trained to use a potty chair. But that’s for later.” We laughed.

Before I left for home, Doug and Jen told me what had happened between them and some outlandish creatures they called Thumbies and a trip to Jerusalem. They told the story of the defeat of the dark one at the Dome of the Rock by the ranks of singing martial Lights. I report this calmly, but my feelings were not so calm.

Obviously, though I had not heard it before, it explained a lot. People in general did not understand what had happened to cause P-Sec to cave in.

I walked toward home feeling as if I had met someone special. Actually, all of them were significant, but I sensed headship in Doug. It sat on him almost visibly. He didn’t need signs of authority; it was inherent in him. He was still very young, but many kings were young also. His wife, Jen, was strong and sweet and intelligent, a fitting queen, I thought.

It was a beautiful evening. A little wind lifted some of the leaves. I could hear a sigh in the air. The crows were flying in great flocks toward their secret evening resting places. Their cries echoed and ebbed away.

I had a great deal to tell Henry.

Coming at last to our small white house behind the little white fence, I opened the gate, walked up to my own door and was home.

“Henry!” I called out. “Where are you? I have something to tell you….”

The link to all:

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