Saturday, July 6, 2024

Just The Planning Phase!


Wrong trees, but right kitchen!


          Ralph really wanted to throw a party to celebrate the birth of Cherry, his newborn girl. A Birthday Party! But, he didn’t want to give Ramona any extra work to do.  He thought that cooking a bit and taking care of Twigg and Cherry were about all she should be doing for a while.
          He thought about Thaga, then he thought, “no! Ooog is the man for this job!” He happily pictured the big log and stone house Ooog had built years ago, and the very large backyard with the big stone outdoor kitchen and grill, and all those benches he had been making for years. All he had to do now was to convince Ooog what a great idea it was that he had had for his good neighbor, Ralph!
          Ralph can be quite a negotiator, and charming!  
          So, one afternoon between breakfast and lunch, he decided to stroll on over and talk to Ooog. Twigg came along for the outing. Constance had been coming over to see Ramona and do some of the home cooking, so he felt alright about leaving for a while. Constance was living up to her name and becoming quite a member of the family almost.
        Ralph hadn’t seen him in a while because  Ooog was usually at home building something or tending his garden. He didn’t run around the woods like Thaga did.
        Ooog was a Neanderthal. We know that. But he didn’t look anything like the common picture of a Neanderthal man. He was lean and tidy looking. He was maybe 5’11”, and a wiry 175lbs. He had white hair now, braided neatly into one long braid hanging to his belt in back.  In fact, sometimes when he was busy he would tuck the end of his braid into his belt to keep it out of his way. Cutting it off was not negotiable. Neanderthal men do not cut their hair. Ever. He had bright blue eyes, with crinkles around them from all his grinning. A long beard, also braided, and he was quite tanned. He smelled a little sweaty, in a nice way, with a grassy undernote to his scent.
        Thaga made soft leather trousers for him, from deerskin. His shirt, or more like a tunic, was knitter of nettle and bark fiber.  It was a little rough, but he didn’t mind. His belt was heavy leather with copper findings. She dyed his clothing with green plant dyes, so he was hard to see in the woods moving around or in his garden.  If he really didn’t want to be seen, such as while hunting, he would wear a black felt hat over his white hair. Black felt you say?  I say yes!  Thaga did that too. She had traded some garden stuff for a bag of black wool! Thaga has her sources!
        When Ralph came striding, swinging his long arms, up the path, he headed right out behind Ooog’s house. He didn’t see Ooog right away, but it’s hard to see a guy in green leather pants when he’s bending over in the garden. Twigg practiced swinging his arms just like Ralph.
        “Hey, Ooog, are you out here,” yelled Ralph, standing near the potato patch. “I want to talk to you! Come out, come out!”
        “Is that you Ralph? Where the skinned rats have you been?  I never see you anymore,” Ooog said, standing suddenly. He had been picking summer squash. Ralph could see how this was going to go. (The passage of summer squashes through a population of people ought to be studied.  It must indicate something.) “Um, do you think Ramona would like some squash Ralph? I have lots,” said Ooog.
        “Yeah, I bet she would. Mhm!” said faithful Ralph.
        “I’ll tell you why I’m here, old buddy, in case you wonder. To get right to the point, I want to have a party and I want to do it in your backyard!” Remember those happy mood waves that come off of Ralph?  Well, they are a real thing! He’s a handsome charming guy.
        “Oh, I bet it’s for the baby, huh?” said Ooog. “Sure, that’s nice. Let’s do it. Thaga will love it. What day did you have in mind?”
        Ralph held up one huge right hand. “Five days. How about in five days?” And so, it was decided. Once a Squatch Person holds up his hand like that, it has been decided! That’s the deal.
        The guest list will interest you:
·       Uncle Bob, reformed character.  Still reformed. Still a little confused.
·       Constance, of course.
·       Dr. Geoff! This should be interesting.
·       Millicent Price, with her little brother, who wants to be a gonzo journalist. He thinks. His name is Sean. Everyone says it wrong.
·       Maeve, with any other birds who want to come.
·       Maurice, if Maeve can find him.
·       Two young Squatch guys who have been hanging around. Sam & Dave. (Not their real names.)
        A party planned by Ralph was bound to be special.
        The Menu:
·       Grilled Salmons (Ralph)
·       Grilled summer squash (Ooog)
·       Nut Bread slices, made from local hazelnuts. With butter. (Thaga)
·       Baked Apples, with raisin filling and spices. (Thaga!)
·       More Rainier Beer, not stolen!
·       Root beer, also not stolen!
Planned Entertainment:
·       Story Telling
·       “Singing”
·       Treasure Hunt, through time and space.
·       Gifting the baby.
·       Arm Wrestling.
        Party planned, Ralph, Ooog, and Thaga just had to gather supplies, and wait for the day! Any kind of weather would be fine, except hail or a really strong windy rainstorm!
        Everything seemed just perfect!

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