Saturday, May 28, 2022

Waking Mercies, or Shabbat Shalom

 It was a rough night.  I'm still struggling with an injured shoulder that doesn't work well with sleeping.  So its a good feeling to be up and awake.  I hope I haven't torn it.  Do not want surgery.  Nope.

Anyhow, I have to drive down to the big bad city and help DD#3 whom I have not seen since she returned from England.  Its a nice cool day for driving.  Not too bright out there.  

We will probably hit Fifi's hipster butcher shop and all the blinking Chinese grocery stores my kid can think of.  Probably have some kind of Asian lunch naturally.

Its a day in our improbably, mysterious life on a rough rock moving in space...and there my mind hesitates to go further.

Love from your correspondent. Will be checking in from the road, no doubt.

                                       Drawn by my crazy GD.

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