Friday, December 22, 2023

Remind Me Not To Forget


forget (v.)

Old English forgietan "lose the power of recalling to the mind; fail to remember; neglect inadvertently," from for-, used here probably with privative force, "away, amiss, opposite" + gietan "to grasp" (see get (v.)). To "un-get," hence "to lose" from the mind. A common Germanic construction (compare Old Saxon fargetan, Old Frisian forjeta, Dutch vergeten, Old High German firgezzan, German vergessen "to forget"). The physical sense would be "to lose (one's) grip on," but that is not recorded in any historical Germanic language. Figurative sense of "lose care for" is from late 13c. Related: Forgetting; forgot; forgotten.
remind (v.) 
1640s, "to remember, recall (something) to one's mind" (a sense now obsolete); 1650s as "put (someone) in mind of (something), bring to the remembrance of;" from re- "again" + mind (v.). A Latin-Germanic hybrid. Related: Reminded; reminding.
memory (n.)
late 13c., "recollection (of someone or something); remembrance, awareness or consciousness (of someone or something)," also "fame, renown, reputation;" from Anglo-French memorie (Old French memoire, 11c., "mind, memory, remembrance; memorial, record") and directly from Latin memoria "memory, remembrance, faculty of remembering," abstract noun from memor "mindful, remembering," from PIE root *(s)mer- (1) "to remember."


Three words.
Memory may be considered to be the cornerstone of the mind. Without memory no one is there. There is only a biological entity. It is in memory where the knowledge of self and reality lives.

As Mike Adams and Dr. Nehls were discussing yesterday, the powers of our dysfunctional world are implementing a program of removing the native mentality of men and women and replacing it with artificial constructs of their own design.

This reprogramming causes people to forget. To lose themselves, to become robotic worker ants in their army. Their brain functions, but it is possessed.

We all know people who cannot be reasoned with. I think there are two kinds of unreasonable people. The mindless reprogrammed kind is one. They have forgotten. I think the other one has thought it out using their own reasoning and has come to a wrong conclusion. Actually, there is hope for the person who has reasoned incorrectly but has reasoned.


*The word that got me all excited was re-mind or remind. To remake the mind. What an excellent possibility!

I know there is that possibility because I have some experience with coming back into myself. As I have tiresomely stated before, in 2015 I was very ill with sepsis and near death. Sepsis is very hard on the brain. I lost a lot. Much of my life I simply did not remember.

What to do. Well, I found that as people reminded me of parts of my history those parts rejoined my mind and stayed.

But I think there is a greater re-minding that can be done. This re-minding fills in valleys and makes level mountaintops. It replaces that which has been destroyed or lost with a better mind.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Or mind.  The principle is there. 

Safety lies in great care in feeding the mind.  First of all, continually meditating on the word of God.  I have fallen woefully short here, but I can improve that.  Then if we do that we are re-minded in the most healthful and constructive ways.  Of course, there is a world of other worthwhile material also. It is all helpful.

 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
      Eph. 4:14 

 There is a lot to be eschewed also. Most media is merely hypnotic suggestion.

There is no need to be a victim, to be re-programmed by the world.

Maybe I don’t always make perfect sense, but writing to you people all these months has helped me immeasurably. It has materially improved my mind. In ways I am better now than I was before I lost so much of my memory. I look back at that woman with sympathy, but she has been reformed.

For your forbearance and attention, I thank you.

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