Monday, February 24, 2025

Willie is Busting Out!


            Suzy was full to bursting. This story was just too good to simply dwell on privately. It must be told!
            Therefore, she assumed her usual sending and receiving station down low on the back porch where she could see a bit of the sliding glass door reflecting herself and whoever she was talking with. This was most usually Toots. It was a quite sheltered location, nobody could see her there unless they knew she was there.
            “Toots! Calling Toots! Are you receiving this, Honey?” Suzy hit send as hard as she could. Sometimes it took a couple of tries to get Toots’ attention.
            “Just a minute, Suzy! I think I see a big fat gopher or something out there! I’d show that gopher what’s what if I was out there you better believe! Mrrrrrrrrrg!” said Toots, in a rush of words.
            “OK, it waddled off. I hope the coyotes have a good dinner! What’s up Suzy? I’m back,” said Toots, adjusting her fur and whiskers a bit for better reception.
            “I have to tell somebody this or I will pop,” said Suzy, “and you’re the one to tell!”
            “Oh well? Meow? Let’s have it then, Suzy,” said Toots.
            “Well, you know that I told you Willie has been acting weird lately? I found out why!”
            “You mean more than just being a bossypants brother, Suzy?” asked Toots.
            “I caught him reciting poetry. Get this, Toots. It was his own poetry! The mind boggles, Toots. And the mind should boggle. Let me tell you!”
            “Oh dear! I see what you mean. Poetry is a touchy subject. In fact, it might be the most subjective subject there ever was, Suzy!” said Toots, in shock. “Um, what was his poem about?”
            “I think it was about breaking out of this house…”
            “Do you remember any of it, Suzy?” said Toots.
            “I’m very afraid so, Toots,” Suzy whispered, so Willie wouldn’t overhear.
            “Do I have to,” asked Suzy.
            “I think it would be best, yes,” said Toots.

                Bustin out
                Bustin out of here, watch me. See
                If I don’t! Like that cat in two places,
                See, I part molecules, man!
                While they think I’m just rolling on the floor,                           
                I’ll be out….the….door!
            Suzy sighed. “You see? And that is only a tiny nibble. He went on and on! Oh, my claws, Toots! ”
            “Unfortunately, I do,” said Toots.
            “What Willie needs to learn, or do, or practice or something, is that the meaning of poetry is a kind of glimmer that is emitted between the words. But they have to be the right words. Words that strike sparks off each other, or words that remind of forgotten things, or words that march to the ancient cadences of languages from older times…”
            “You get that, don’t you, Suzy,” asked Toots. “It’s hard to explain in plain English, how to get behind the plain words. I’m not sure it can be taught. Some seem to be born with it, and some seem to gain it from practice.”
            “Honestly Toots, I can’t see Willie keeping it up much longer. He can’t write it down, of course, and he can’t remember things. He’s not stupid you know. He’s just really, truly, in the moment. That’s Willie! Some beat poet was probably spouting online, and he heard it and got inspired,” said Suzy. “In fact, I’m not even going to tease him about it! That would only reinforce his memory of the poetry fit, and how it took him!”
            “You’re actually a pretty kind sister, Suzy,” laughed Toots. “I’m not sure he would appreciate your motivation, but he’ll never know!”
            “No! I’m not going to tell him we discussed his poem,” said Suzy.
            “I think I hear him coming…”
            With that, the girls signed off for the night, each resuming her life as a rather pedantic example of Felis Catus!
            “Meow!” said Suzy.
            “Myow!” said Toots.
            Both bow prettily and exit the stage!


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