Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Domestic Archeology


            I guess spring must have hit here on Tuesday afternoon.
            Spring has some sneaky ways of manifesting herself. She used to stick her head up right about now every year. I would smell something in the air, and I’d be out there with my spading fork turning over some soil, just checking you know? How cold is it actually? How wet is it? Will I get pneumonia if I stay out here and do this? One year I did get pneumonia!
            I had a tiller, a Honda! But I really enjoyed the precision of hand spading.
            Anyhow, sometimes spring hits with an urge to “do something” about the house. I think it was during my nap yesterday that she sprung it on me. I woke with a deep internal knowing that now it was time.
            My experience of life has a very definite dividing point. It splits in 2000 when I became a computer user. I had literally never touched one before, though there was a Commodore 64 in the house.
            So, I have stuff from before then. The stacks amount to a lot of paper, writings, drawings, saved ephemera which I have not looked at for twenty five years. Most of it needs to go. A huge job.
            Then there are things like archived baby dresses. What to do?
            I’m not even going to talk about books. That’s a whole subject by itself.
            I have been sorting clothing. One of the funny things about losing mass and dimension is that you end up with a bunch of clothes that are silly big. What to do?
            So, there are stages in sorting. First, rough, remove what is no longer useful. Then, figure out if any of it is donatable. Then, which goes where.
            The winter days of the bear’s den are over. Everything must have a place and be in it, or off with its head! Even my desk! I am digging out the desk of darkness and confusion!
            I think I would like to have about the collection of stuff I had in 1972, something like that. Enough to do whatever, but not enough to set up four lives, as is the case presently.
            Your thoughts on the subject?
            I will be in and out today. Mostly in Seattle all day. But, I usually stick my nose in by phone anyhow!

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