Friday, February 28, 2025

Just a Little "Mnrrrr!" for a Friday


            “You will have observed, no doubt, that for the second day in a row she didn’t write anything,” remarked Willie, speaking to whomever might be attending to his remarking.
            “Speaking as one who always does his duty, it’s hard to imagine a legitimate reason for this level of laxness. Do you know what I mean?” He looked around the room and saw only Suzy.
            “Sometimes she has to leave the house. I don’t know what she does out there for eight hours at a time, but then when she comes back, she’s all tired and even, possibly, a little bit cranky!” said Suzy, eyebrows up and whiskers at attention. “Then comes the big nap!”
            “Maybe we could help. We could converse about some piffle for a couple hundred of words. And that could stand in for a post of some sort,” continued Suzy.
            “Oh, I don’t know, Suzy. That sounds awful self-referential for a couple of house cats,” said Willie.
            “Well, yes, a little contrived too,” said Suzy quite seriously.
            Mr. Baby Sir, esq. strolled into the room, pausing for effect, hoping to be noticed.
            “Have you seen my tail?” he asked Willie and Suzy, looking languidly from face to face.
            “Yes,” said Willie.
            “Yes,” said Suzy.

            “Your tail is almost a whole post all by itself,” said Suzy. “I must admit to being very impressed.”
            Mr. B.S. esq. took a charming little bow and left the room, nodding at each cat. His tail was held high, looking very much like the flag of the Maine Coon, which he undoubtably was.
            “You know, sometimes his big tail makes me feel quite inferior with this little sleek tail,” said Suzy.
            “Oh Suzy, your tail suits you. You are a sleek little cat. Think how silly you would look with a thumper like his!” remonstrated Willie.
            “Thank you, Brother. Your tail suits you too! It’s a little bit fat and very sleek indeed!”
            “Yes, we must be content with the tails the Maker has given us,” said Willie.
            “Very true,” said Suzy, who was getting sleepy anyhow.
            “I think a nap is in order,” said Willie.
            “Brrrrt!” said Suzy.
            And that was all they said!
            It was just another open thread, of course.

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