Sunday, January 5, 2025

A Message From Maeve!



All Readers * All Commenters * All Lurkers

To A Bit of a Virtual Celebration!
Incredibly enough, today is the occasion of the MEOW’S 1000th post. 'Tis a wonderment!
How things change!
Our first post was merely a photo of Willie looking back at the photographer.

March 14, 2021.

And then, trading remarks became so much fun, that it grew and developed.
No one is more surprised than me at what we have made together.

😹We invited all the cats.🐈
Sammie and Toots
Suzy and Willie
Buddy and Skinnies
Mr. Baby Sir and Charley

We expect to see Ralph and Ramona, Twigg and Cherry
Berry and Bob
Millicent will write it up for the paper's society page! lol!
I'm pretty sure Thaga and Ooog will bring a 
massive cake and homemade hooch!
We're hoping to see Maurice and Sleeky Sue,
if they can take time away from the ice cream shop for a trip to the MEOW!
Look Out!
There will be coffee too.


Please do comment, make suggestions, invite further characters
or whatever strikes your fancy!


Many thanks to LoneStar, co-Meowderator!

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