"Dine In Ope"
This field report finds its genesis in my regrettable curiosity.
You see, since I was five years old I have been very aware of Highway 99 as it passes through Seattle. The year that I attended kindergarten, we lived two blocks off of 99. I walked to school those two blocks and a couple more down 99 to Oak Lake Elementary.
And many times since then I had reason to drive 99 through Seattle.
There have always been various weird old cafΓ©s and taverns that I have never gone into, but they have always been there. I have always been curious about what they are like inside! My Navigator and I even have a name for these dives. "Dank Hideaways."
The Jade Palace or some such, is one of them. It’s built of big pebbles, like river rocks and it has been there since the Flood I think.
There are several old joints that I’d like to peek inside. Heh. The one that caught my eye today was darn near in Everett. It looks so divey, I thought, let’s check it out. How bad can it be? They’ve been in business a long time. The county hasn’t closed them down.
It’s called Country House Pho’. Vietnamese, of course, and I really like pho’. Mr. Bird agreed to the experiment, so in we went.
You see, since I was five years old I have been very aware of Highway 99 as it passes through Seattle. The year that I attended kindergarten, we lived two blocks off of 99. I walked to school those two blocks and a couple more down 99 to Oak Lake Elementary.
And many times since then I had reason to drive 99 through Seattle.
There have always been various weird old cafΓ©s and taverns that I have never gone into, but they have always been there. I have always been curious about what they are like inside! My Navigator and I even have a name for these dives. "Dank Hideaways."
The Jade Palace or some such, is one of them. It’s built of big pebbles, like river rocks and it has been there since the Flood I think.
There are several old joints that I’d like to peek inside. Heh. The one that caught my eye today was darn near in Everett. It looks so divey, I thought, let’s check it out. How bad can it be? They’ve been in business a long time. The county hasn’t closed them down.
It’s called Country House Pho’. Vietnamese, of course, and I really like pho’. Mr. Bird agreed to the experiment, so in we went.
It must have been a country tavern at some point. The doorway was around the side, down some very strange irregular steps. But I was not to be deterred. It was dark in there, and there was a rather precipitous ramp down to the dining level.
A large TV screen was playing a news program in which there was a lot of wild language about the new administration, etc. etc. Loud, very loud country western music was playing. Part of the dining area was blocked off by sheets of chip board. We were not affrighted by this strange appearance!
We were beckoned in nicely by a stout young Vietnamese fellow who explained that the prices in the menu were old news. The real prices were in the computer or something. Anyhow, when we ordered, we paid the new prices in front! OK. That's a new one on me.
He agreed that I could have my beef noodle soup without noodles. That was nice. It took a long time to get our orders. But the soup was good. Usually it’s served with a plate of fresh basil, bean sprouts, jalapeno slices and a wedge of lime. It was a little short of those things, but I bet a lot of customers waste those things and they are not free for the cafΓ©.
No other patrons!!
There is nothing too exciting to say about the end of the experiment. We ate our soup, and he left us alone. We were the only customers, which is a little scary, but it was after lunch. I would be curious about how their sub sandwiches are. Those are generally super good, but I don’t eat sandwiches anymore. So, no sub.
We just left after that.
It was OK. Not wonderful. The building was very old and weird. I can see no reason to go back. There are many pho’ stops in the area, which are much nicer.
Next time, going down 99, maybe we’ll peek into that Jade place!
(The music was terrible!)
This would have made a lot more sense.