Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ramona Didn't Even Have A Bucket


            Ralph and Uncle Bob had been down at the river all day. Twigg went down to take a look a few times, but he didn’t say anything to Ramona, because she didn’t ask. Ramona can be really Zen.
            But to back up a bit, Ralph and Bob had been exploring outside the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest for building supplies. It didn’t look like there was another cave that was just right for a guy to live in, so they were going to have to do something different.
            In the course of their explorations they came upon a lot of stuff left to rust away in the woods by some defunct logging company. One of the prizes they found was a heavy old fashioned galvanized bucket. This truly was a prize with all sorts of potential. Ralph just about had stars in his eyes.
            Bob found a shovel. He knew what to do with a shovel. So he hung onto that. They kept looking through the bushes for more stuff. It was like an Easter Egg Hunt, if the boys had known anything about that custom.
            There were rusty cables, two old battered trucks barely hanging together. One had a completely broken out windshield, but the other one’s windshield was intact, though the rubber around it was rotted away.
            “Say, um, Bob?” said Ralph, “this here window looks useful. I’ve never had a window myself, but I think you should have a window.”
            “Ralphie, I don’t even have a hut or a shed or anything yet,” said Bob.
            “Well, I know! Let’s pull this window out and take it home with us,” said Ralph.
            That was about all they wanted to carry back to the Home Clearing. Squatches are not overly ambitious like their human cousins. Enough is enough to the likes of Ralph and Bob.
            This is the answer to why Ramona had a nice sturdy bucket setting by the fire circle. It looked real good there, Ralph thought.

           To proceed; finally as evening was nearing, Ralph and Bob came up from the river, with secret grins and chuckles in their eyes. This was the waiting part of the experiment; it was an experiment that had kept them in the river all day.
            Ralph had gotten to thinking about that portable portal up on the high shelf in the cave. It seemed like it should be good for something, even if no one wanted to leave the area in a big way. He got to thinking about fish also.
            Now, nobody cares what fish want. They are born as fair game for all comers it seems. Fortunately, they probably don’t even know where they are or what they are doing in any way having to do with awareness. This is good, because everybody eats them anyhow. It would be awful if the fish knew this!
             So the deal was how to get the fish into the bucket without fishing so much. You can see where this is going…
            “Hey, Ralph, Baby, Honey, how did all of these trout get into this bucket?” inquired Ramona suddenly. She was standing there staring at the bucket which was half full of wriggling fish. “They weren’t there a minute ago!”
            This was sweet music to Ralph's ears.
            “Bob, it worked! Wow! It worked!” yelled Ralph.
            Bob and Ralph did a little dance around Ramona to make her laugh and not ask such pointed questions. It was fun, but it didn’t work very well.
            Because next time she looked at the bucket it was full of fish, and they were wriggling out of the bucket onto the ground.
            “Ralph! What did you do?” hollered Ramona, eyes wide and staring in astonished disbelief! “Whatever it was, you better undo it Ralph before we’re buried in these fish!”
             Ralph and Bob lit out for the river at a run. Soon the fish stopped arriving near or somewhere in the area of the already full bucket.
            They came up from the river dripping wet. Ralph carried the portable portal in his hand, looped up small and gleaming ominously.
            “Mona, we rigged the portal to shoot the fish into that bucket, and you gotta admit it worked really well!” said Ralph. He was totally proud of the trick, so was Bob, though he was just labor, not design.
            She had to admit it was a very cool thing, but said, “maybe you could just put it in the river for a few minutes when we need some fish, Ralph?”
            Ralph agreed that this was a very wise compromise. He was so proud of Ramona! She always figured out a good solution, no matter what the problem was.
            What did she do with the bucket, plus, of fish? Well, they had a bunch of them for dinner, but she also put a lot of them up to hang over the smoke for a couple of days. This worked really well, and they were delicious smoked.
            You will observe, no doubt, that it never occurred to Ralph or Bob or Ramona to catch and sell fish. But then, they are not like us, with an eye to profitability.
            Uncle Bob was still sleeping out by the fire during the nights, with the pumas to keep him company. So the next big project, to be accomplished very quickly was a little house of some kind to keep good old Uncle Bob out of the rain, and smoke for that matter!
            As he drifted off to sleep that night Ralph was wondering if he could get deer to jump through the portal, to somewhere convenient……

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