Friday, March 1, 2024

What To Leave In, What To Leave Out


If you went walking around here..

     My young adult niece showed up yesterday while I was still listening to the Michael Nehls' interview with Mike Adams. So, since she was there, I was able to talk with her about the first half of the program.
    Now, she was cagey enough not to get the infamous poison shot. So, she has that advantage. But she works in the public at Cabela’s, so there is that exposure. I might have influenced her. Not sure. We tend to understand each other on the level of health-related stuff. I am always careful how I present things to her.
    It also helps me to boil down complicated information into easy bites. The theory being that if I can’t explain it clearly, I don’t understand it. So, we talked about how to keep the brain healthy. I didn’t bother her with brain anatomy. We did a check list taken from Dr. Nehls' chart. Linkie to the interview here.

*Proper sleep

*Proper food, no damn seed oils, little sugar, don’t live on bread.

*Exercise, go outdoors and do something.

*Socializing. Family connectedness. Guess that’s where my sister and I come in. Etc.

 **Purpose, a reason to wake up. Something that continues to occupy the mind. She is a believer.    

      I have talked with her about how untrustworthy our own govco is. I have encouraged her to buy a little extra every time she shops. I do the same with young grandchildren. We will talk more specifically about supplements in the future. I always preach vitamins C and D. As a person who is always soaking up information, I try to then function as a sort of leaven in the group of humans I encounter in person.

    That is what is foremost in my thoughts this Thursday.

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